First, this procedure is for white screen recovery due to installing the wrong FW, which is one of the main causes of white screen.
1. Turn nva off.
2. Remove back of case.
3. Short the "boot pad" to the "vcc pad" next to it. While holding the short, turn the nva on.
The following is done while the nva is still on after removing the short on boot and vcc pads.
Make sure you have the correct FW!!! H for H!!!!
4. Leaving the nva on, remove the short. Your nva is now back to the DFU state and out of boot loop.
5. Reassemble the back case.
6. Connect the nva to the CPU or phone, if using Android app, proceed to update the FW.
7. After update, turn nva off then back on. If the white screen is off and nva turns on correctly, your done.
8. If your nva is still in white screen mode, again make sure you installed the correct version of FW. If so, you have a bigger problem that requires trouble shooting and physical repair.
Clyde KC7BJE