NanoVNA-App Smith Chart view



Apologies if this is a basic question.
I'm using the NanoVNA app, and it works fine. However, I have a question regarding the use of the Smith chart view.

The center scroll wheel on the mouse zooms the plotted Smith chart in and out, however, the chart grid and annotations does not zoom, which means there is a discrepancy between the plotted output and the grid/annotations.

I just can't see an option to 'reset' the zoom of the chart. I'm sure it must be present, but just can't seem to see where that option is. Several times I've accidentally hit the scroll wheel, and then I'm stuck because I can't find a way to reset it back.

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks.


Plotted Smith chart and bottom left side values (point values, be careful not mouse values) remains relevant, whatever choosen zoom factor. Zoom function can be seen as a facility for selecting easily a point from the plotted Smith chart, for reading its values.

However for getting correct values on the info panel (right position), you need to adjust the zoom factor at its normal value = 1. Do it with a right clic on the smith chart, choose "Set max scale", and put 1 for Max mag value. Plotted Smith chart and Smith chart scale now match together.



Thank you! That worked.