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LEMKIN REALTY Widest Selection of Properties in Ramat Beit Shemesh
LEMKIN REALTY 02-999-5727 +972-52-286-4129 (WhatsApp) US# 1-516-340-3280
** BEST DEALS in Ramat Beit Shemesh! – BRAND NEW APARTMENTS **
NEVE SHAMIR -------------------------------- BEST VIEW IN RAMAT BEIT SHEMESH!! 5 rooms + Balcony Gorgeous Panoramic View Storage and Parking Starting at 2,950,000 NIS MOVE IN THIS SUMMER! Ruchama 054-793-1975 ------------------------------- Mini Penthouse 6 rooms + Attached storage Large sukka porch Boutique building MOVE IN THIS SUMMER Great Price! Ruchama 054-793-1975 ------------------------------ AMAZING DEAL 3 rooms + Garden + connected machsanim Barbara 052-286-4129 ------------------------- 4 Rooms starting at 2,450,000 NIS Aryeh 055-270-4922
***RBS G *** Ruchama 054-793-1975
Beautiful Duplex on Yoel Hanavi 5 rms (originally 6 rms) 2 balconies Upgraded Kitchen 2 covered parking Large machsan 3,300,000 NIS CALL TO ARRANGE A VIEWING! Ruchama 054-793-1975
Chagai Hanavi Aryeh 055-270-4922 5 Rooms AMAZING DEAL!! MUST SELL!! Neria Hanavi Aryeh 055-270-4922 146m Cottage, 6 rooms + 2 Gardens
** Mishkafayim ** Mishkafayim Cottage - SERIOUS SELLER!!!!! GREAT OPPORTUNITY!! Amazing 4 story Cottage + Garden 5 Bedrooms + Basement 2 Covered Parking Spots Come Take a Look and Make an Offer! Ruchama 054-793-1975
6 room duplex + Garden, Option to Expand!!! Call/Whatsapp Ruchama 054-793-1975
Mishkafayim Duplex Penthouse 5 rooms + 3 balconies 3,900,000 NIS Ruchama 054-793-1975
*** AMAZING PROPERTY FOR SALE *** *** M3 Area – Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph*** 200sqm Indoor Space + 100sqm Garden Ari 0526-444-588
M3 Cottage Beautiful 8 room cottage + Garden + Balcony Ari 0526-444-588
M3 Cottage Gorgeous 10 room Upgraded house + Garden Call/whatsapp Ari 0526-444-588
****RBS A: Ari: 0526-444-588****
Nachal Maor- RBS A MOTIVATED SELLER!!! MAKE AN OFFER!! 5 ½ room Duplex Penthouse 2 balconies + View Large Machsan and Covered Parking Ari 0526-444-588
Merkaz RBS A 4 rooms 2,200,000 NIS Devora 050-533-3524
Revivim/Ramot PRICE REDUCED!!! Renovated 5 room + View Close to the Gra KITCHEN OF YOUR CHOICE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE! Ruchama 054-793-1975
Lachish 7 ½ rooms + 55m Balcony with a Private entrance Upgraded with XL Salon, Machsan and Parking SERIOUS SELLER Call/Whatsapp Ari 0526-444-588
** Beautiful Free Standing 10 Room House FOR SALE in RBS Aleph!!** Ari 0526-444-588 Fully Detached House 10 Rooms Open View Large Garden
Ramat Shilo 8 room Cottage with a Large Garden +Rental Unit Call/whatsapp Ruchama 054-793-1975
Nachal Lachish 6 ½ rooms, Approx. 220 sqm + XXL Garden, Approx. 200 sqm Private entrance from Nachal Mishmar and Floor -3 from Lachish. Asking 4,600,000 NIS – Flexible Call/Whatsapp Ari 0526-444-588
**RBS D**
RBS D4 4 rooms + Balcony 2,290,000 nis Flexible Ari 0526-444-588
**Sheinfeld Area Cottage – Hateena Street** 7 room cottage + XL Garden Open view, Very Upgraded 3,650,000 NIS Ruchama 054-793-1975
Many Rentals available in the Ramat Beit Shemesh Area
Neve Shamir Ruchama 054-793-1975 5 rooms 7,000 NIS 4 rooms 6,000 NIS Penthouse 12,000 nis RBS A: RBS A 2 rooms 3,800 NIS 052-286-4129 RBS A Fully furnished large 6 room + 3 balconies MISHKAFAYIM Large Cottage 18,500 nis Ruchama 054-793-1975 RBS D 5 room penthouse, 3 floors, furnished 10,000 NIS Devora 050-533-3524 Many, many more properties available. Call us today! 02-999-5727 Join our new whatsapp group to get the latest listings, information and tips for the Ramat Beit Shemesh Anglo Real Estate Market
Praying for all of the Soldiers, Hostages and all of Am Yisrael!