FORSALE: Uncle Moishy DVD’s, CD’s & More


Here is my Uncle Moishy list of CD’s in Brand New Condition:


1: Albums 1 - 15, 17/19

2: Torah Island albums 1 - 5

3: Let’s Bounce?

4: Welcome?

5: Favorite Lullabies

6: 36 Jewish Songs Vol. 1 & 2- ?

7: Jewish Children Classics

8: I Remember That

9: Uncle Moishy visits Torah Island


Other Jewish Kid music CD’s:


1: My Siddur by Abbie Rotenberg

2: Kid Zimra by Kol Zimra

3: Benny & the Torah Kidz

4: Cmon Let’s Daven with Rebbe Alter

5: Tell Me a Purim Story- Captain Dovid

6: Mitzvah Boulevard Songs




1: Vazakeini by Baruch Levine

2: Dance with Sameach(mp3 download)

4: Purim Dance by Shasgaz

5: Shabbos in Shamayim by S. Carlbach

6: L’shem Shamayim by Shwekey


Here is the list of Uncle Moishy DVD’s


1: Volumes 1-15

2: Uncle Moishy’s World

3: The best of Uncle Moishy

4: Chanukah

5: Sukkos

6: Safety

7: Jewish Holidays Songs/ Yom Tov Show

8: The Uncle Moishy and Hello Bello Show

9: Pesach


All CD’s are $10 each

All DVD’s are $15 each


Please call/text if interested: 516-582-0812

