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There is a way you can help our soldiers' wives!
Do you want to do more to help our soldiers' wives? A few days ago a soldier texted me: I am just coming to the end of 9 months of Miluim (reservist army duty.) After 9 months of being in Gaza, reconnecting to my wife and children is something I am really struggling with. I understand you are offering support in this area. Wanted to reach out to see how I can receive support and help. Dear friends, we CAN help this worried soldier and hundreds more like him! Keren HaTzadik’s first Shabbat for Soldiers and their Wives is scheduled for Shabbat Parshat Mattot-Mas’ei, August 2-3 2024, at the King Solomon Hotel in Tiberias. Keren HaTzadik/Rabbi Aryeh Levin Fund will host 70 couples for a Shabbat experience focused on helping a soldier and his wife revitalize their marriage and their family life after months apart due to the war. STRENGTHEN THE PEOPLE WHO BUILD AND DEFEND OUR COUNTRY! Every amount donated helps! DONATE NOW AT: PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS AND SOCIAL MEDIA GROUPS SO THAT THIS YEAR AT LEAST 1000 COUPLES WILL BE ABLE TO ATTEND A SHABBATON TO STRENGTHEN THEIR MARRIAGE. THANK YOU! Rabbi Moshe Jordan Yasgur Keren HaTzadik USA/Rabbi Aryeh Levin Fund All contributions are tax-deductible. USA 501(c)3 & recognized in Israel for tax purposes. |
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