novel six band vertical antenna de k3eui


*I have been struggling to get HF antennas at Crosslands  (Kennett Square) due to the constraints here (like at most communities).*

*I have an end-fed 60 ft wire low to ground for NVIS  that is working well on 40m but I wanted something that would put out a low-angle DX signal*

*on 30m  thru 10 meters.


*I tried setting up a 18 ft Cushcraft (aluminum tubing) vertical antenna (normally tuned to 20m single band) but fed via a 9:1 Palomar UNUN*

*and 50 ft or RG213 with a choke at the shack to help knock down RFI in the shack.

*Then attached (so far) one 33 ft radial (I had used for 40m) and lo and behold - it works - /fairly low SWR on SIX BANDS   from 30m thru 10m with no traps

*let's now see if I can get any QSO's on these bands -*

*de k3eui  barry*



More, longer radials = more DX...

73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources

On 7/16/24 08:35, Barry K3EUI wrote:
*I have been struggling to get HF antennas at Crosslands  (Kennett Square) due to the constraints here (like at most communities).*
*I have an end-fed 60 ft wire low to ground for NVIS  that is working well on 40m but I wanted something that would put out a low-angle DX signal*
*on 30m  thru 10 meters.
*I tried setting up a 18 ft Cushcraft (aluminum tubing) vertical antenna (normally tuned to 20m single band) but fed via a 9:1 Palomar UNUN*
*and 50 ft or RG213 with a choke at the shack to help knock down RFI in the shack.
*Then attached (so far) one 33 ft radial (I had used for 40m) and lo and behold - it works - /fairly low SWR on SIX BANDS   from 30m thru 10m with no traps
*let's now see if I can get any QSO's on these bands -*
*de k3eui  barry*