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ctrl + shift + ? :
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ctrl + g :
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ctrl + shift + f :
ctrl + / :
esc to dismiss
Timeout to Start Login page.
It’s for a job.
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Basically, I have a “Start Page” with a full page size button that takes you to the login. It works fine, but once logged in and using the system, I want it to exit back to the login page after a set amount of inactivity. A “time-out”, so to speak. Jim On Jul 20, 2024, at 7:57 PM, ckangis <chris@...> wrote:
add an activity extender on the panel.
Set it for 300s. This "activity" signal will remain high until the timer expires, but resets every time the panel is touched.
Attach the output of the activity signal to the reset of a one shot, and comment out the trigger. This will give you a pulse when the 5 minutes expires with no activity on the panel.
Use the pulse to do whatever logic you want.
I use that in every program. it leaves the settings page unlocked forever - as long as the user is interacting with it. Once they leave it alone for 5 minutes, the panel locks again. |
Activity extender huh?
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I don’t remember seeing that, but I’ll check it out on Monday. Thanks much. Jim On Jul 20, 2024, at 9:20 PM, Mark Lambert <mark@...> wrote:
OK. I tried that, and it looks nice, but like my other previous attempts, I can't seem to tie it in to the right thing to make it go to the Start Page.
I even tied it to a hidden button w/ a Digital press # on the TP, but now they both say that they have no destination.
Like I said, it may be obvious to everyone but me, as I'm still pretty green.
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to navigate to use esc to dismiss