1. We have allowed THE CAT into our lives.
2. We feed THE CAT the very best food.
3. We insure THE CAT gets the very best medical care.
4. We provide THE CAT with every toy imaginable.
5. We willingly sit on the most uncomfortable chair in the house rather than disturb THE CAT as it sleeps on our favorite chair or In our favorite spot on the sofa.
6. We consider cat fur and shredded upholstery to be integral parts of our decorating scheme.
7. We choose our wardrobe in colors that coordinate with the color of THE CAT’s fur, and understand that cat’s fur on our clothing is a fashion statement.
8. We have numerous photographs of THE CAT on our SmartPhones or tablet computers or in our wallets and show them off to everyone we meet.
9. We own a huge collection of clothing, jewelry, artwork, and many other items in the shape of, or adorned with pictures of, THE CAT.
10. We sleep in odd positions in order to accommodate THE CAT in our beds.
11. We choose only those people who love THE CAT as much as we do to be our friends.
12. We willingly accept the role of slaves to THE CAT.
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- Дописи в цій групі не потребують схвалення модераторів.
- Дописи нових користувачів потребують схвалення модераторів.
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