Welcome to the Groups.io FAQ
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Updated: January 10, 2023
- Group member FAQ
- Q: I never received a confirmation email from Groups.io. What should I do?
- Q: I am not receiving email messages from a group I joined. What should I do?
- Q: I got a message that I was removed from a group because of reported spam. What does this message mean, and what should I do?
- Q: I got a message that my Groups.io account is bouncing. What does this message mean, and what should I do?
- Q: Why are some people’s email addresses changed to be “via Groups.io”?
- Q: Why do I get a spoofing warning on my email messages?
- Q: I belong to a group, but I cannot find any content on the group’s website. What should I do?
- Q: How do I change my email address?
- Q: Can I add another email address to my Groups.io account?
- Q: How do I set a password or change my password?
- Q: How do I set up a signature for a group I belong to?
- Q: I enabled push notifications in my Groups.io account, but I am not receiving any notifications. What should I do?
- Q: How do I delete my Groups.io account?
- Group owner/moderator FAQ
- Q: I cannot access the Admin functions in my group. Why?
- Q: Can I screen prospective members who want to join my group? How?
- Q: Why is the number of members shown on my group’s home page different from the total shown in my group’s member list?
- Q: How do I change the cover photo/image for my group?
- Q: How do I invite people to join my group?
- Q: How do I add moderators to my group?
- Q: What is counted towards the storage limit for my group?
- Q: How do I download my group’s member list and message archive?
- Q: How do I delete my group?
- Q: The sole owner of a group I belong to has died or become unavailable. What can we do?
- Q: If I downgrade my group from Premium to Basic, what features does it lose?
- Q: What types of groups are NOT permitted by Groups.io?
- Revision history