PeachheadNanny is the sister group to Peachhead. This site is for parents searching for nannies/caregivers and nannies/caregivers searching for a family. Nanny agencies may not join this group. If a nanny agency would like to advertise on this site or promote their business to the members of PeachheadNanny, please contact Linda Perry at to find out about having a dedicated e-mail blast sent out to the group.
Peachhead does not warrant any members or recommendations in the Peachhead groups. It is recommended that members do their own background checks and investigations into anyone they hire.
All nanny postings must include the first and last name of the nanny or the posting will be removed. Members may post once every 7 days. Please be sure to put #NannyAvailable (f you are a nanny looking for a job )or #ISONanny (if you are searching for a nanny) in the subject line depending on if you are looking for a nanny or have a nanny available. Do not use the Hashtag #PeachheadNanny. If posting from the PeachheadNanny group site, under subject, there is a dropdown menu of available hashtags. This group only allows posts in English as I cannot moderate posts in any other language so all posts written in a different language will be removed as well as the member posting it. A member may only post on behalf of themselves or a nanny they have personally used. You cannot recommend other nannies unless you are a parent that has used this nanny. They would need to join the group and post themselves. A parent can recommend their own nanny. Do not delete prior postings you have posted. They must remain on the group page in order to monitor all postings by members.
Please reply to members directly when carrying on personal conversations. The group site is set to reply to members directly.
Do not include attachments or photos in your postings. You can send to the member directly if they are interested. Do not post a recommendation signed by a person unless you are that person (this will result in immediate removal from the group).
Do not berate someone for what they are offering to pay a nanny or the services they are looking for (this will result in immediate removal from the group). If they find someone great, if not, they will rethink their offer. Treat everyone with respect.
If you have a negative experience with a nanny or a family, please contact Linda Perry directly at Do not post to the group about it until it has been fully investigated. Failure to abide by these rules will result in removal from the group.
If you are a parent you may also join the main Peachhead group to discuss various topics and get advice and support from other parents. Please contact Linda Perry at to be invited to this group.
E-mail Subscription Options
PeachheadNanny offers several options to control how much, if any, email to receive from your groups. To change your subscription, click on the tab to the left that says "subscription" and choose between:
Individual Messages will send each email individually, as soon as it's posted. Daily Digest will group the days messages into a single message. As soon as 12 messages are sent to the group, or every evening, whichever comes first, a digest message will be sent to you. You can also opt to not receive any email.
Advanced Preferences - Clicking Advanced Preferences will expose additional options. These options filter the types of emails that you will receive.
Muting and Following - In addition to the above subscription options, you have the option to mute individual discussion threads and hashtags. In the footer of each email is a link to mute the thread. And from the website, you can mute hashtags.
Legal Disclaimer:
You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any Content, that you may not rely on said Content, and that under no circumstances will Peachhead or Linda Perry be liable in any way for any Content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, emailed or otherwise made available via the Service. You acknowledge that Peachhead or Linda Perry does not pre-screen or approve Content, but that Peachhead shall have the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to refuse, delete or move any Content that is available via the Service, for violating the letter or spirit of the Terms or for any other reason. Please be aware that these are recommendations from other parents and Peachhead or Linda Perry does not have personal knowledge of any of these recommendations. Any recommendations or reviews given by Linda Perry are her honest opinions. It is advised that you do your own research when receiving any information from the Peachhead group.
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