Welcome to the Groups.io Members Manual
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Updated: June 16, 2023
- Conventions used in this documentation
- Introduction
- Joining groups
- Understanding Groups.io accounts
- Understanding Groups.io home pages
- Understanding individual group websites
- Controlling your email subscription preferences
- Working with group messages
- Understanding topics compared to messages
- Using email to send or reply to group messages
- Using the group’s website to post new topics or reply to existing messages
- Quoting messages you are replying to
- About the Show quoted text button on the group’s website
- Using the Like feature
- Working with draft messages on the group’s website
- Searching for messages in the archive
- Reposting messages
- Editing your own messages in the group’s archive
- Deleting your own messages in the group’s archive
- Reporting messages to moderators or to Groups.io Support
- Responding to a “You have been removed because of reported spam” message from Groups.io
- Downloading a group’s message archive
- Understanding and using hashtags
- Controlling the volume of email messages you receive from a group
- Working with calendars
- Working with chats
- Working with databases
- Viewing the directory
- Working with files
- Viewing the member list
- Working with photos
- Working with polls
- Working with wiki pages
- Sponsoring groups to help cover their hosting costs
- to donation requests in Premium and Enterprise groups
- Leaving a group
- Additional information
- Acknowledgements
- Revision history