YARWAWorkshopDetailsIt’s all in the Details Dates: January 7-18 Instructor: Rachael Davila About the course: Creating Your Book/Series Bible If the devil is in the details, how do we, as writers, keep them straight? Eye color, hair color, birth order, names… If you get a detail wrong, readers will notice. Whether your book stands alone or is part of a longer series, creating a bible can help you ...Створено:
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YarwoodFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - Yarwood and variants (Jarwood etc.)Створено:
3 Members,
3 Topics,
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yasl / Yankee ASL Discussion Group (YASL)An organized discussion group for Advanced Squad Leader in the US Northeast. Members use this list to discuss scenarios, arrange games, distribute news about events, and generally irritate each other. http://asl.yankeegamers.orgСтворено:
123 Members,
294 Topics,
Public Archive,
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yates-one-name-study / The Yates name and all it's variances world-wideThe Guild of One-Name Studies, based in London, England is the worldwide centre of excellence in one-name studies and promotes the interests of both the individuals and groups who are engaged in them. It was established in 1979 and registered as a charity in 1989. We welcome conversation, information or content related to the Yates name. The Vale of the White Horse is very near the historic homest...Створено:
13 Members,
20 Topics,
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yatesoasisAdult SS class at Yates Baptist Church in Durham, NCСтворено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
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YavapaiBirds / Yavapai Bird AlertYavapaiBirds@Groups.io is the official Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and birding discussion group for Yavapai County, Arizona. The goals of this forum are the sharing of sightings of rare or uncommon birds in the county, sightings of interest due to distribution (i.e. First-of-Season (FOS), Last-of-Season (LOS) , unusual numbers of a species), and related comments. For now, photos must be resized to 488...Створено:
58 Members,
92 Topics,
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yawIdUj9queftThis is a group for yaw-Id-Uj-NINE-queftСтворено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
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YazBel / YazBelYazbel Grubuna Hoşgeldiniz!Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
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yazilim-grubuyazilim, softwareСтворено:
402 Members,
593 Topics,
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YBCA-OG / Yerba Buena Center for the Arts OG ExchangeThis is a discussion platform dedicated to the original staff at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.Створено:
34 Members,
10 Topics,
Private Archive,
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YBLYesteryear Baseball leagueСтворено:
16 Members,
1,225 Topics,
Public Archive,
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YBPEboardExecutive Board of YBP of ATLСтворено:
2 Members,
1 Тема,
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yc2tfbIndonesian Member of Amateur RadioСтворено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
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ycat / YCAT - Yaesu CAT applicationThis group is for users of the YCAT family of Windows applications for Yaesu CAT control / monitoring. Use group for reporting bugs or feature enhancements, etc.Створено:
35 Members,
16 Topics,
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yccc-so2rThe YCCC SO2R Box (plus) is a high-end SO2R Box developed by members of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club. This group provides support and discussion of the SO2R Box.Створено:
60 Members,
16 Topics,
Public Archive,
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YCHE / YCHE LoopYellowstone Coalition of Home Educators (YCHE) is a Christian-based organization serving the interests of home school families of all faiths throughout the greater Yellowstone Valley. Membership in YCHE costs $20/year and is required for full participation in our email loop and access to YCHE events. To join or renew membership, you may pay online with PayPal or with a check. To pay with Paypa...Створено:
313 Members,
29,104 Topics,
Private Archive,
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YCK9TGDog Training group for Yuba County Sheriff's Search and Rescue.Створено:
12 Members,
14 Topics,
Public Archive,
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ycrcusergroup / YCRC User GroupThe YCRC User Group is a community of researchers at Yale who utilize computing resources and technology to enable their research. The User Group holds monthly meetings, each on a distinct topic of interest to the community. During meeting there are opportunities for members of the research community to teach and learn from their peers in a mix of panel discussions, presentations, lightning talks,...Створено:
195 Members,
96 Topics,
Private Archive,
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YCSP / York County Star PartyYork County Star Parties ================================================================ PLEASE PASS THIS INFO ALONG TO YOUR CLUBS OR OBSERVING GROUPS. www.yorkcountystarparty.org September dates were unavailable because of an unknow conflict at the park. October new moon is October 2, so I am looking at October 3-6, Thursday to Sunday, as the most sensible time to request from the park sup...Створено:
107 Members,
124 Topics,
Public Archive,
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ydbn / Yorkshire and District Bus News & ViewsA new group to continue the former YahooGroups YDBN (and sister YDBP) groups, which were established in 2003 and keep enthusiasts updated on the bus scene in Yorkshire and the surrounding areas.Створено:
88 Members,
524 Topics,
Public Archive,
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81 - 100 з 256