(20210608) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-06-08 Hot Posts 2021-06-08 Hot Posts Hacker News Replit used legal threats to kill my open-source project 3103 points by raxod502 at 00:08:04 | 961 comments Fastly Outage 1032 points by pcr0 at 17:57:37 | 579 comments The top-ranking HTML editor on Google is an SEO scam 629 points by caspii at 05:35:19 | 140 comments FaceTime is coming to Android and Windows via the web 441 points by jbredeche at 01:46:24 | 200 comments Althttpd: Simple webserver in a single C-code file by the author of SQLite 310 points by miles at 16:30:51 | 117 comments Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax 295 points by danso at 17:49:08 | 267 comments Australian Federal Police and FBI nab underworld figures using encrypted app 279 points by ferros at 11:56:56 | 215 comments Found at Goodwill: WebPad 1001 Prototype 264 points by farmerbb at 00:40:04 | 67 comments The price of batteries has declined by 97% in the last three decades 221 points by infodocket at 05:06:31 | 144 comments Two Hidden Instructions Discovered in Intel CPUs Enable Microcode Modification 202 points by andrewnicolalde at 05:19:42 | 53 comments DOJ Seizes $2.3M in Crypto Paid to the Ransomware Extortionists Darkside 176 points by nthitz at 05:46:12 | 143 comments FoundationDB: A Distributed, Unbundled, Transactional Key Value Store [pdf] 159 points by wwilson at 00:37:36 | 55 comments “It is 2018 and this error message is a mistake from 1974” 131 points by mmastrac at 04:44:46 | 67 comments CodePerfect 95 – A fast IDE for Go 107 points by brhsagain at 05:10:40 | 64 comments A Project of One’s Own 101 points by prtkgpt at 18:36:03 | 25 comments Highlights of new technologies introduced at WWDC 2021 93 points by Austin_Conlon at 04:55:59 | 40 comments Don't Let Social Media Think for You 78 points by hnthrowaway2 at 17:53:26 | 21 comments Terraform 1.0.0 Release 70 points by cube2222 at 19:49:06 | 16 comments Sequoia 1.3 65 points by teythoon at 18:11:19 | 5 comments Web Applications from the Future: A Database in the Browser 51 points by w1nter at 00:31:29 | 11 comments Snowtrack – a new version control software for graphic designers and 3D artists 47 points by sebastian_io at 17:06:52 | 18 comments Static site generators to watch in 2021 40 points by x14km2d at 06:27:45 | 34 comments Anom Encrypted App Analysis 37 points by CPAhem at 18:17:04 | 12 comments Fast Radio Bursts from Extragalactic Light Sails (2017) [pdf] 36 points by mpweiher at 16:50:14 | 2 comments An interactive look at how a video signal is made 33 points by andyjpb at 06:57:21 | 7 comments Terraform v1.0 Is Out 21 points by weeha at 19:50:58 | 3 comments Changes to Docker Hub Autobuilds 20 points by bnr at 20:06:32 | 7 comments Astronomers Find Secret Planet-Making Ingredient: Magnetic Fields 17 points by pseudolus at 08:59:06 | 0 comments Grafana v8.0 Released 16 points by botayhard at 19:13:02 | 3 comments Justice Dept. recovered most of the ransom for Colonial Pipeline cyber attack 15 points by germinalphrase at 05:07:09 | 14 comments SeKVM verified hypervisor based on KVM 12 points by cvwright at 20:13:34 | 0 comments App Store: The Schiller Cut 8 points by burlesona at 01:08:11 | 0 comments How the Government Set Up a Fake Bank to Launder Drug Money (2012) 8 points by mdeck_ at 20:29:53 | 1 comments Apple shows us macOS Monterey, with easy movement between devices 5 points by cercatrova at 02:37:24 | 1 comments El Salvador to Make Bitcoin Legal Tender 4 points by jlturner at 03:21:13 | 1 comments US recovers millions in cryptocurrency paid to Colonial Pipeline hackers 3 points by edward at 03:29:42 | 1 comments US recovers some of the money paid in the Colonial Pipeline ransom say officials 3 points by ghshephard at 02:47:16 | 1 comments BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a Principal Engineer 1 points by the_economist at 05:00:39 | comments Pachyderm Is Hiring for Product Marketing and Developer Productivity Engineers 1 points by jaz46 at 20:00:51 | comments V2EX Apple music 无损和全景声已经开放 Macrumors 说是分批推送,重启设备有几率刷新状态。 全景声支持的歌大部分是近年的新歌,效果
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(20210607) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-06-07 Hot Posts 2021-06-07 Hot Posts Hacker News A New Future for Icanhazip 588 points by nkcmr at 03:21:43 | 182 comments An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding 409 points by kungfudoi at 00:57:19 | 142 comments In Praise of Open Source Textbooks 358 points by lightveil at 00:19:57 | 80 comments Farmers Deserve the Right to Repair Their Tractors 330 points by anandaverma18 at 15:23:20 | 137 comments Sorry everybody, I failed with you 328 points by rinesh at 17:17:27 | 162 comments We’re All Paying for Someone Else’s 4-Hour Work Week, Not Ours 231 points by JBiserkov at 19:10:08 | 87 comments ST3000DM001 210 points by userbinator at 12:43:45 | 167 comments Photographer captures 'odd but exciting' crow behaviour known as anting 162 points by pgrote at 04:51:51 | 40 comments The SaaS CTO Security Checklist Redux 145 points by vikrum at 05:58:18 | 27 comments The right tag for the job: why you should use semantic HTML 142 points by tmfi at 00:26:21 | 51 comments Show HN: Open-source alternative to Retool, Internal.io, etc. 140 points by navaneethpk at 19:44:13 | 21 comments Mastershot – Web based video editor 138 points by thunderbong at 02:23:43 | 39 comments Abstract Syntax Tree for Patching Code and Assessing Code Quality 134 points by sidcool at 13:19:08 | 46 comments FreeBSD from a NetBSD developer’s perspective 132 points by jayp1418 at 02:21:11 | 47 comments Notepad++ v8 release 126 points by gainsurier at 17:49:52 | 73 comments Google fined €220m by French competition watchdog over online advertising market 111 points by hadrien01 at 18:16:37 | 18 comments The Dangers of Low Head Dams (2019) 90 points by paulpauper at 07:08:30 | 28 comments Why are American workers becoming harder to find? 61 points by jaredwiener at 03:54:08 | 177 comments Keep Your Identity Small (2009) 58 points by mooreds at 09:19:14 | 23 comments A growing number of governments hope to clone DARPA 55 points by edward at 05:35:00 | 32 comments How to Start a Novel 53 points by see-also at 02:28:29 | 31 comments Gene sequencer malware injection via encoded DNA (2017) 40 points by carlsborg at 05:57:13 | 17 comments The Globalization of Venture Capital Investing 35 points by cwan at 06:13:53 | 14 comments David Dushman, last surviving Auschwitz liberator, dies aged 98 30 points by Anon84 at 20:01:23 | 0 comments Daniel Ellsberg: The 90-year-old whistleblower tempting prosecution 24 points by pmoriarty at 08:12:33 | 7 comments Judge Permits Information from CIA Torture in Terror Case 24 points by DyslexicAtheist at 02:05:20 | 6 comments Chrome is up to 23% faster in M91 and saves over 17 years of CPU time daily 19 points by SerCe at 20:25:19 | 7 comments Software maker Altium rejects $3.9B takeover bid from Autodesk 19 points by shivbhatt at 19:19:52 | 6 comments El Salvador President: 1% of BTC invested would increase GDP by 25% 19 points by liamcardenas at 01:27:59 | 13 comments A martian’s review of The Martian (2015) 12 points by Tomte at 20:24:40 | 9 comments Making better decisions with the Brier score 11 points by ergodiclife at 07:40:31 | 0 comments Biden administration mulls cyberattacks against Russian hackers 7 points by mjreacher at 04:18:10 | 1 comments Early adopters of Chinese vaccines see case surges 6 points by myrandomcomment at 03:42:28 | 0 comments A Random Walk Through Git 5 points by ingve at 20:26:32 | 0 comments Humane Software and the Role of Developer Advocacy 5 points by burningion at 00:55:10 | 0 comments Linux x86/x86_64 Will Now Always Reserve the First 1MB of RAM 4 points by TangerineDream at 01:47:45 | 1 comments Qventus (YC W15) Is Hiring Data Platform Engineers 1 points by ifc at 20:01:12 | comments V2EX 儿童医院竟然给 6 个月不到的小孩开中成药? 小孩周四发热,周五退烧了,周六开始偶现咳嗽,感觉有点严重了,遂挂了儿童医院的内科(呼吸道科已无号)。到医院验血发现是病毒引起的感冒咳嗽,嗓子有点发炎。医生看血常规报告单上显示中性粒细胞数值较低,就给开了两种中成药,地榆生白片和脾氨肽口服冻干粉,还有一个治疗嗓子发炎的药开喉剑喷雾剂(儿童型)。交谈过程中,医生明显岔开话题,而不告知开了什么药。 为了创收,也考虑一下小孩的年龄吧,6 个月不到的小孩,就给那种对肾功能要求高的中成药。 286 comments by brucewar at 10:48:21 in 请不要再发这样的文章 有些东西细思极恐 最近某个厂商新发布的手机系统,在各大网站已成热门,点开任何一个主题下面必然都会看到争议和一部分人的亢奋情绪。不去讨论对错和系统如何,突然想到几年前的一部热
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(20210606) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-06-06 Hot Posts 2021-06-06 Hot Posts Hacker News Scientists develop ‘cheap and easy’ method to extract lithium from seawater 213 points by sambeau at 16:20:05 | 96 comments El Salvador to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender 211 points by ncpa-cpl at 05:43:27 | 141 comments Justice Department withdraws FBI subpoena for USA Today records ID'ing readers 172 points by prostoalex at 05:37:32 | 73 comments Submarine Cable Map 2021 139 points by jonbaer at 10:13:11 | 61 comments Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (1998) 122 points by MindGods at 14:45:25 | 56 comments How I Learned Symmetric-Key Cryptanalysis 112 points by aleks224 at 01:22:29 | 23 comments ET-Jekyll: Edward Tufte-inspired Jekyll theme 110 points by bradley_taunt at 02:05:09 | 20 comments From Julia to Rust 105 points by miguelraz at 02:05:47 | 46 comments Implementing strict three-point perspective 98 points by TheRealPomax at 03:04:36 | 44 comments Publish and Perish 92 points by walterbell at 18:33:38 | 15 comments Modern cities modelled as “super-cells” rather than multicellular organisms 87 points by XzetaU8 at 14:22:46 | 27 comments English medical records are about to be given away. As GPs, we’re fighting back 78 points by Symbiote at 17:41:00 | 35 comments City roads – This website renders every single road within a city 77 points by thunderbong at 10:43:38 | 23 comments OS X/Hydromac: New Mac adware, leaked from a flashcards app 66 points by iscmt at 10:16:19 | 8 comments Dolphin Emulator - Dolphin MEGA Progress Report: April and May 2021 59 points by Parseus at 17:39:00 | 2 comments Using Clang LibFuzzer coverage-guided fuzzing engine with Nim 57 points by planetis at 01:44:10 | 2 comments A first lesson in meta-rationality 55 points by alboaie at 17:48:49 | 24 comments Trans-Pacific Cable Chaos, Shifting Asian Hubs 45 points by walterbell at 05:43:01 | 21 comments Why is uncoupled documentation bad? 45 points by morchen at 16:06:51 | 30 comments Apple employee group rejects planned return to the office: want full-time remote 36 points by randycupertino at 09:38:56 | 13 comments Freddie Figgers: The millionaire tech inventor who was 'thrown away' as a baby 34 points by mrtedbear at 08:27:18 | 13 comments The Woman Who Gave the Macintosh a Smile (2018) 31 points by superfunny at 07:53:15 | 6 comments Workers Are Gaining Leverage over Employers Right Before Our Eyes 25 points by mistersquid at 08:14:03 | 1 comments “That Won't Work” 20 points by geocrasher at 07:45:40 | 28 comments Reddit banned Covid sleuth's account in 2020 for posting nature paper critique 20 points by haltingproblem at 00:04:10 | 6 comments Odd Linux Commands (2016) 15 points by belter at 04:17:47 | 3 comments The Telecom Archive 14 points by todsacerdoti at 17:06:47 | 1 comments Daily Driver: Channelling RGB into 1-bit 11 points by zdw at 07:46:02 | 2 comments Mathematicians Identify Threshold at Which Shapes Give Way 11 points by nsoonhui at 08:01:00 | 2 comments Oceana Finds Hundreds of Vessels Vanishing Along Argentina’s Waters 10 points by belter at 20:28:53 | 3 comments -O3 Compiler Optimization Level Still Deemed Too Unsafe for the Linux Kernel 6 points by zathan at 07:02:42 | 1 comments How to Organize Your Code? 4 points by thunderbong at 01:34:56 | 1 comments Substack (YC W18) is hiring engineers to build the future of writing 1 points by jairajs89 at 05:00:10 | comments The Muse (YC W12) Is Hiring a Senior Site Reliability Engineer 1 points by KMinshew at 20:00:16 | comments V2EX 对比一下你们的办公桌 /囧 81 comments by youliabc at 08:57:35 in 晒晒更健康 陌生人非故意的操作导致你收到伤害,你会怎么办? 昨天遇到一个比较糟心的事,老妈在隔壁小区内被一条狗吓着了,没什么大事,但是昨天一天都处于惊吓状态下。 比较糟心的事并没有得到狗主人的诚意道歉,等我过去的时候她直接走了。 事情经过: 10:00 左右,老妈去隔壁小区找朋友。那栋楼下有一个左拐进电梯的路,入口比较窄。在快要左拐时突然有一条大狗冲出来,导致老妈被吓了一大跳。 这条狗有牵狗绳,后面有人牵着,但是狗跑在前面,人在后面。 期间老妈被吓着坐在路边,说了那个人几句。从老妈后续的描述是那人没道歉,并且在听我老妈说”我打电话给我儿子“后反响很激烈,问我妈”到底想怎么样“ 10:13 老妈打电话给我,我急忙下楼。因为她情绪比较激动,并没有说清楚具体地方,我只能先下楼。 10:15 我打电话给老妈,问具体地点。还是没描述清楚,只说了 4 栋、超市对面,我只好去找。 10:25 左右,我找到我妈,只看到那个狗主人的背影,她牵狗进电梯。我看到电梯停留在 18 楼。当时我们直接找了大堂物业,物业反馈已经告知楼栋管家,但是当天刚好管家休息。物业说了会直接查监控,并且告知管家。我直接回家等。 10:39,楼栋管家打电话给我,说已经知道此事,并且在查监控,让我等一下
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(20210605) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-06-05 Hot Posts 2021-06-05 Hot Posts Hacker News There are no results for tank man 1766 points by rcoveson at 00:51:37 | 435 comments Pokegb: A gameboy emulator that only plays Pokémon Blue, in 68 lines of C++ 385 points by brundolf at 02:31:27 | 43 comments John Carmack on JPEG 223 points by tosh at 05:43:53 | 108 comments Using a magnetic string to fish for a lost iPhone 12 in a Berlin canal 195 points by crackercrews at 00:53:17 | 139 comments Social virtual spaces with Elixir at Mozilla 183 points by thibaut_barrere at 01:06:33 | 52 comments Intel and AMD Contemplate Different Replacements for x86 Interrupt Handling 159 points by eklitzke at 02:10:27 | 85 comments Rich nations back deal to tax multinationals 124 points by ddek at 19:24:19 | 134 comments PyCon US 2021 Recordings are Available 120 points by precern_harlan at 04:57:36 | 29 comments Zig 0.8.0 Release Notes 117 points by kristoff_it at 06:40:05 | 18 comments Heroic rat retiring from detecting land mines 113 points by packet_nerd at 02:08:14 | 65 comments Google can't pass its own page speed test 112 points by EvgeniyZh at 16:45:30 | 47 comments Not a drill: VMware vuln with 9.8 severity rating is under attack 95 points by jbonniwell at 04:34:52 | 20 comments No evidence UFOs are alien craft, unclassified US intelligence report to reveal 92 points by aluket at 01:42:26 | 209 comments Apple, Mozilla, Google, Microsoft form group to standardize browser plug-ins 87 points by Black101 at 19:24:05 | 39 comments Hackers breached Colonial Pipeline using compromised password 84 points by 1cvmask at 06:54:56 | 49 comments HOWTO: Be more productive (2005) 80 points by nomoreplease at 06:18:01 | 24 comments Bitcoin’s reliance on stablecoins harks back to the Wild West of finance 66 points by jkuria at 06:20:18 | 59 comments Denmark parliament approves giant artificial island off Copenhagen 62 points by BlackVanilla at 05:27:13 | 17 comments Bonzi Buddy 62 points by legerdemain at 05:04:31 | 46 comments 3k eggs abandoned after drone scares birds in California 55 points by erentz at 18:34:52 | 11 comments Compute Shader 101 [video] 54 points by raphlinus at 01:58:10 | 3 comments The lab-leak origin claim for Covid-19 is in the news, but it’s still fact-free 52 points by johncena33 at 02:01:28 | 87 comments Ftxui: C++ Functional Terminal User Interface 49 points by ingve at 18:50:03 | 10 comments Twitter Ban in Nigeria 29 points by kaladin_1 at 19:47:46 | 11 comments Learn R Through Examples 27 points by diplodocusaur at 19:43:05 | 2 comments Nigerian government suspended operations of Twitter in the country 24 points by atlasunshrugged at 00:13:37 | 4 comments Amazon’s wage increase to $15 an hour also upped pay for non-Amazon workers 23 points by rustoo at 18:41:18 | 12 comments In Praise of the Disassembler 14 points by MindGods at 18:19:00 | 3 comments Using Scheme to Find the Median of Two Sorted Integer Lists 10 points by erwald at 18:00:47 | 2 comments What Chocolatiering Taught Me About Software Engineering 10 points by tjwds at 20:34:40 | 2 comments Lab Leak Debacle Shows Why Banning 'Misinformation' Is a Terrible Idea 9 points by SquibblesRedux at 03:09:02 | 2 comments Ask HN: How do you build your personal brand? 9 points by mr_o47 at 05:07:35 | 3 comments Remote Controlling a Nintendo Switch for Fun and Profit 8 points by ari__ at 08:58:22 | 0 comments Pfizer (and probably other vaccines) much less effective against new variants 5 points by jonplackett at 05:28:07 | 0 comments Biden sanctions Chinese companies as Beijing says ‘normal communication’ resumed 4 points by chaostheory at 03:37:41 | 0 comments People have abandoned hundreds of cats on a deserted Brazilian island 4 points by colinprince at 11:19:26 | 0 comments How JavaScript works: 3 types of polymorphism 3 points by EntICOnc at 00:37:19 | 0 comments Show HN: Is PagerDuty useful with an uptime monitoring service? 3 points by fben at 00:05:31 | 1 comments Clerky (YC S11) Is Hiring Senior Software Engineers (Remote) 1 points by swampthing at 05:00:12 | comments MagicBell (YC W21) Is H
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(20210604) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-06-04 Hot Posts 2021-06-04 Hot Posts Hacker News An Unbelievable Demo 1244 points by SerCe at 12:21:31 | 262 comments U.S. to give ransomware hacks similar priority as terrorism, official says 457 points by mjreacher at 04:50:26 | 335 comments Tour of our 250k line Clojure codebase 261 points by grzm at 02:12:18 | 148 comments You can not advertise on Google if you use Google Analytics Competitors 244 points by funshed at 17:38:02 | 58 comments A new ProtoBuf generator for Go 242 points by tanoku at 01:50:15 | 61 comments The lab-leak theory: inside the fight to uncover Covid-19’s origins 240 points by camjohnson26 at 07:07:39 | 247 comments Go: Fuzzing Is Beta Ready 188 points by ingve at 14:02:48 | 28 comments Amazon’s newest euphemism for overworked employees is ‘industrial athlete’ 133 points by sidcool at 15:25:18 | 85 comments 7-11 is opening 500 EV charging stations by the end of 2022 118 points by evo_9 at 05:19:54 | 67 comments HTML and CSS techniques to reduce your JavaScript 110 points by ______- at 07:20:05 | 32 comments How a Jenkins Job Broke our Jenkins UI 105 points by FraBle90 at 01:36:08 | 112 comments Camera Calibration from Scratch Using Rust 95 points by reteltech at 01:03:15 | 2 comments Patents in Open Source: the important parts of real cases 91 points by tgamblin at 02:09:07 | 29 comments Stanford CS Curriculum 2021 90 points by mauriziocalo at 06:42:53 | 35 comments PM and EM Rules of Engagement 84 points by dpeck at 12:11:32 | 24 comments Passport 74 points by feross at 02:46:52 | 4 comments Breaking VeraCrypt: Obtaining and Extracting On-the-Fly Encryption Keys 71 points by polar at 00:43:09 | 25 comments Predictive Coding Can Do Exact Backpropagation on Any Neural Network 66 points by MindGods at 04:53:31 | 5 comments TinyPilot: Month 11 64 points by tnorthcutt at 06:01:44 | 34 comments Telnet Mapscii.me 59 points by dTal at 05:28:58 | 19 comments Distributed Cloud Builds for Everyone 57 points by nsm at 02:57:52 | 10 comments Currently, 43% of youth in South Africa are unemployed, and not in education 49 points by iafrikan at 19:13:29 | 12 comments Open Source Insights 44 points by hasheddan at 01:19:58 | 13 comments Unauthorized Access to Fujifilm Servers 43 points by giuliomagnifico at 00:53:36 | 29 comments ‘I Had Never Faced the Reality of Death’: A Surgeon Becomes a Patient 42 points by bookofjoe at 06:57:34 | 24 comments Yann LeCun Deep Learning Course 2021 37 points by g42gregory at 04:53:30 | 3 comments Tesla files trademark paperwork for restaurant concept 37 points by rsj_hn at 01:02:38 | 53 comments UK and EU launch antitrust probes into Facebook 32 points by helsinkiandrew at 19:44:15 | 6 comments Facebook deals with PCIe faults to keep our data centers running reliably 29 points by rbanffy at 07:43:07 | 3 comments Elixir at Ramp 27 points by clessg at 06:15:24 | 4 comments Fujifilm becomes the latest victim of a network-crippling ransomware attack 20 points by turtlegrids at 00:58:40 | 16 comments Neural Actor: Neural Free-View Synthesis of Human Actors with Pose Control 20 points by Hard_Space at 20:48:22 | 5 comments What I Witnessed in 1989 in Beijing 11 points by em500 at 03:57:21 | 0 comments NitrOS-9, Unix-like operating system for the 6809 10 points by bilegeek at 08:29:16 | 3 comments Ebullism at 1M Feet: Surviving Rapid/Explosive Decompression (2000) 10 points by Hooke at 07:12:50 | 2 comments In Praise of Small Menus 10 points by synaxarion at 06:57:46 | 3 comments Robot Sticks to Ceilings by Vibrating a Flexible Disc 8 points by sohkamyung at 08:16:56 | 1 comments Denmark is now blocking Bitchute because of Covid19 8 points by mads at 03:23:55 | 0 comments Justices narrow federal computer-fraud statute 7 points by choult at 00:39:25 | 0 comments Van Buren Is a Victory Against Overbroad Interpretations of the CFAA 7 points by sohkamyung at 09:32:47 | 0 comments Computer History Museum: Oral History of Dave Cutler Part 1 6 points by teh_klev at 09:32:32 | 1 comments Syria’s exam-related Internet shutdowns 5 points by reimbar at 02:32:47 | 2 comments Diet
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(20210603) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-06-03 Hot Posts 2021-06-03 Hot Posts Hacker News PayPal shuts down long-time Tor supporter 373 points by tirz at 01:51:07 | 119 comments Leaky Abstractions 289 points by jakub_g at 02:35:16 | 44 comments Microsoft Irish subsidiary paid zero corporate tax on £220bn profit last year 286 points by agd at 19:06:19 | 283 comments King County, WA bans facial recognition software 274 points by sharkweek at 05:21:08 | 168 comments Blender 2.93 LTS 206 points by Tomte at 02:34:22 | 35 comments Apple asks staff to return to office 3 days a week starting in early September 171 points by coloneltcb at 06:59:37 | 397 comments Massachusetts Steamship Authority hit by ransomware attack; ferries delayed 149 points by SocksCanClose at 02:47:00 | 208 comments A Concrete Introduction to Probability (Using Python) (Norvig, 2018) 147 points by tosh at 18:50:18 | 10 comments Super Mario Bros: The Human Limit 145 points by qxga at 03:28:09 | 39 comments When six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months (2020) 135 points by smollett at 07:00:41 | 48 comments Wyoming site of new nuclear power plant from Bill Gates' TerraPower 130 points by spenrose at 06:29:40 | 51 comments Malloc broke Serenity's JPGLoader, or: how to win the lottery 123 points by trashburger at 06:43:25 | 28 comments Zerodium offers $100k for a RCE in Pidgin, who received $25k donation this year 123 points by phh at 01:36:23 | 62 comments Amazon ends testing most employees for cannabis, will lobby for legalization 86 points by f38zf5vdt at 03:00:43 | 68 comments An F-35 Pilot Explains Why the Jet's Bad Press Misses the Point 80 points by CapriciousCptl at 08:19:09 | 124 comments Amazon's Controversial 'Hire to Fire' Practice Reveals a Truth About Management 75 points by thunderbong at 10:01:34 | 20 comments The M.T.A. Is Breached by Hackers as Cyberattacks Surge 73 points by perihelions at 04:57:39 | 57 comments Cores that don’t count [pdf] 73 points by rajeevk at 16:46:23 | 17 comments Anthropologists and the business of sense-making at work 69 points by chunkyslink at 13:44:09 | 63 comments Google Lighthouse V8 – Improved CLS metrics 66 points by manojvivek at 15:28:00 | 32 comments Germany suspends incoming flights from Russian airlines 53 points by underscore_ku at 02:55:13 | 9 comments The Pied Piper of SPACs 45 points by tareqak at 01:26:18 | 32 comments Fujifilm shuts down network after suspected ransomware attack 44 points by jmull at 04:09:35 | 53 comments Show HN: Transform a CSV into a JSON and vice versa 39 points by okumurahata at 06:07:54 | 24 comments Italian Car Design History 38 points by spamalot159 at 06:35:09 | 8 comments Algorithmic Botany 38 points by the-mitr at 19:42:36 | 4 comments Complete protection by single dose skin patch delivered SARS-CoV-2 spike vaccine 36 points by femto at 08:48:44 | 15 comments Our Favourite Uses of Typography in Watches 33 points by tmfi at 04:05:18 | 5 comments Microsoft Teams Calls will soon include end-to-end encryption 32 points by JassicaB4 at 18:12:08 | 15 comments How a Giant Corpse Flower Got to an Abandoned Gas Station 31 points by turtlegrids at 05:01:29 | 11 comments In the office full-time? No thanks, say 86 per cent of tech professionals 25 points by sefrost at 07:32:17 | 9 comments Charlie Bit Me NFT sale: Brothers to pay for university with auction money 24 points by shivbhatt at 18:59:47 | 20 comments They rage-quit the school system and they're not going back 22 points by alexrustic at 20:20:46 | 25 comments Ransomware – Unauthorized access to Fujifilm servers 19 points by zaitanz at 07:44:27 | 4 comments FireEye Announces Sale of FireEye Products Business to Symphony Technology Group 16 points by ssully at 04:19:06 | 4 comments Facebook’s causal mental health harm and a regulatory strategy (Comment to FTC) 15 points by decide at 02:23:59 | 4 comments Upside Decay 14 points by skmurphy at 04:12:14 | 8 comments RFC 4180: Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files 12 points by tosh at 18:02:11 | 15 comments The $23BN Plan to Power Singapore from Australia 12 points by hindsig
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Hot Posts 2021-06-02 Hot Posts 2021-06-02 Hot Posts Hacker News Helix: a post-modern modal text editor 458 points by bpierre at 01:48:20 | 220 comments OBS Studio 27.0 365 points by TangerineDream at 03:38:47 | 84 comments America has a drinking problem 332 points by pseudolus at 00:54:27 | 494 comments Best practices around creating production ready web apps with Docker Compose 283 points by nickjj at 02:25:11 | 65 comments The Apple M1 compiles Linux 30% faster than my Intel i9 266 points by geerlingguy at 03:12:15 | 248 comments One-Fifth of U.S. Beef Capacity Wiped Out by JBS Cyberattack 231 points by davidw at 02:53:48 | 348 comments Intl 188 points by evo_9 at 00:57:42 | 44 comments DIY Book Scanner 160 points by bcaa7f3a8bbc at 05:47:46 | 52 comments Producing a trustworthy x86-based Linux appliance 153 points by todsacerdoti at 13:06:52 | 82 comments G7 nations committing billions more to fossil fuel than green energy 140 points by ciconia at 15:47:15 | 126 comments Why Prefetch Is Broken 133 points by astdb at 14:35:25 | 47 comments B&W Nautilus loudspeaker from the beginning 125 points by giuliomagnifico at 13:56:18 | 95 comments Show HN: Floptimal – Preflop ranges reimagined 109 points by theshirin at 05:28:40 | 44 comments 25 Years of CSS 107 points by adrian_mrd at 15:48:00 | 65 comments Show HN: Yare.io – game where you control units with JavaScript 106 points by levmiseri at 15:33:28 | 34 comments Light-shrinking material lets ordinary microscope see in super resolution 103 points by thedday at 02:01:41 | 25 comments Flame: A PureScript front-end framework inspired by the Elm architecture 99 points by vyuh at 12:25:43 | 30 comments W3.org Cert Expired 96 points by rockwotj at 09:41:26 | 67 comments DoD Budget Appears to Cut Cyber Offense, Beef Up Defenses 95 points by nomoreplease at 06:39:30 | 36 comments Etsy to buy fashion reseller Depop for $1.63B in push for younger consumers 88 points by pseudolus at 18:29:02 | 68 comments William Byrd on logic and relational programming, miniKanren (2014) 81 points by Tomte at 03:25:36 | 11 comments Event-based backpropagation for exact gradients in spiking neural networks 77 points by berndi at 12:17:14 | 29 comments Making $100k as an Employee versus Being Self-Employed 75 points by tmfi at 00:34:54 | 42 comments The Big Alien Theory 72 points by lisper at 02:33:19 | 68 comments A Secure and Formally Verified Linux KVM Hypervisor [pdf] 60 points by tmfi at 04:10:18 | 2 comments Porting the Oberon system to the RISC-V [video] 54 points by pjmlp at 01:05:01 | 3 comments US ‘Gets Its Ass Handed to It’ in Wargames: Here’s a $24B Fix 53 points by pmastela at 04:17:44 | 95 comments Libdill: Structured Concurrency for C (2016) 52 points by ibraheemdev at 00:39:36 | 15 comments Mass scale manipulation of Twitter Trends discovered 48 points by FridayoLeary at 21:05:23 | 26 comments Show HN: Render Jupyter notebooks as interactive articles with Deepnote 42 points by adlha at 20:35:31 | 6 comments JetBrains community Slack pings members who use non-inclusive language 35 points by mlokivak at 08:22:37 | 21 comments GQless: A GraphQL client built for rapid iteration 24 points by rgbrgb at 00:46:48 | 10 comments Google helps map millimeter of human brain tissue that comes in at 1.4 petabytes 23 points by rexbee at 07:41:06 | 6 comments Stage 3 Proposal: Array.prototype.at 21 points by bpierre at 19:24:44 | 35 comments Amazon Calls Warehouse Workers 'Industrial Athletes' in Leaked Wellness Pamphlet 17 points by edward at 04:38:42 | 3 comments Tesla Failed to Oversee Elon Musk’s Tweets, SEC Argued in Letters 12 points by camjohnson26 at 05:42:20 | 0 comments Why Spotify thinks Apple behaves like a monopolist 11 points by tombot at 06:49:39 | 4 comments Huawei HarmonyOS and New Products Launch 9 points by rguiscard at 21:00:53 | 6 comments Manicure robot in San Francisco is now painting nails in 10 minutes for just $8 7 points by rmason at 06:25:31 | 2 comments Google diversity head in 2007: Jews have ‘insatiable appetite for war’ 7 points by pepperonipizza at 21:32:59 | 2 comment
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(20210601) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-06-01 Hot Posts 2021-06-01 Hot Posts Hacker News The most expensive number in engineering 371 points by as89 at 00:34:16 | 128 comments AMD Demonstrates Stacked 3D V-Cache Technology: 192 MB at 2 TB/SEC 325 points by zdw at 12:03:52 | 127 comments On Smoking 216 points by exolymph at 02:50:07 | 199 comments The May 18 Gwangju Uprising 165 points by exolymph at 02:50:23 | 61 comments UUID, serial or identity columns for PostgreSQL auto-generated primary keys? 164 points by lhenk at 00:38:04 | 106 comments Employees Are Quitting Instead of Giving Up Working from Home 146 points by mancerayder at 20:54:50 | 102 comments Sodium rutin extends lifespan and health span in mice by 10% 126 points by ve55 at 04:35:20 | 72 comments Google Groups has banned comp.lang.tcl 125 points by networked at 17:49:37 | 100 comments EU set to unveil plans for bloc-wide digital wallet for various services 109 points by giuliomagnifico at 16:05:01 | 164 comments Swiss Covid Certificate – Technical documentation of the swiss Covid certificate 102 points by shashasha2 at 16:45:41 | 73 comments A Macro View of Nanite 101 points by haxiomic at 00:04:36 | 17 comments The Anxiety of Influencers 85 points by acabal at 09:03:43 | 68 comments Dragon Go Server 74 points by Tomte at 01:42:05 | 29 comments Why doesn’t V8 fit on my microcontroller? 74 points by tosh at 20:03:17 | 32 comments Mars: NASA's Perseverance rover's first 100 days in pictures 73 points by rwmj at 18:53:10 | 18 comments NVMe over Fabrics Explained 73 points by nickysielicki at 10:23:08 | 17 comments Firefox Release 89.0 72 points by looperhacks at 20:55:57 | 43 comments The faulty digital clock problem 69 points by andersource at 02:02:17 | 7 comments Small B Blogging (2018) 55 points by exolymph at 02:49:31 | 8 comments The Digital Wallet of the Future (1996) 50 points by Lammy at 03:16:54 | 37 comments I’m a Physicist Who Searches for Aliens. U.F.O.s Don’t Impress Me 47 points by SirLJ at 19:38:42 | 38 comments Europe to US: Pass new laws if you want a data-transfer deal 44 points by Tomte at 20:48:10 | 4 comments Show HN: Share It, Anonymously with Self Destruct Messages 35 points by jassra at 16:23:24 | 52 comments Rotations with quaternions 34 points by imadr at 20:03:59 | 14 comments Chinese ‘Artificial Sun’ experimental fusion reactor sets world record 33 points by pier25 at 08:11:51 | 18 comments Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) 25 points by moh_maya at 19:52:52 | 8 comments Who Killed Thomas Beckett? 24 points by pepys at 00:49:44 | 6 comments Israel’s most-hyped initial coin offerings were scams, ex-employees allege 21 points by Ozzie_osman at 07:53:02 | 1 comments Show HN: Auxl – Modular API Client for macOS 21 points by theFluke at 18:00:40 | 5 comments YouTube-dl can no longer download age-restricted videos 20 points by makeworld at 21:15:58 | 3 comments The Eidophor Television System 16 points by _Microft at 03:47:55 | 2 comments AI emotion-detection software tested on Uyghurs 15 points by vinni2 at 05:09:43 | 1 comments reclaimWindows10.ps1 12 points by manjana at 21:08:32 | 1 comments Jasenovac Concentration Camp 11 points by belter at 03:12:24 | 1 comments The startups reinventing the web browser 10 points by ______- at 03:30:24 | 5 comments ‘Lost’ Charles Schulz strips have been rediscovered. Do they show an adult Lucy? 9 points by pseudolus at 02:26:14 | 0 comments Caught in the Study Web 7 points by exolymph at 02:49:44 | 0 comments Why are enterprise systems so terrible? 7 points by yadongli at 08:36:21 | 7 comments The complete sequence of a human genome 5 points by amingilani at 07:44:06 | 0 comments Pynguin – Allow developers to generate Python unit tests automatically 3 points by JNRowe at 10:47:00 | 0 comments Building the Largest 555 Timer in the World Out of Vacuum Tubes [video] 3 points by bcaa7f3a8bbc at 10:30:19 | 0 comments BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a Principal Engineer 1 points by the_economist at 05:00:26 | comments QuestDB – Open-Source Time-Series Database – Is Hiring 1 points by nhourcard at 20:00:41 | comm
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(20210531) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-31 Hot Posts 2021-05-31 Hot Posts Hacker News It's time for us in the tech world to speak out about cryptocurrency 697 points by cratermoon at 02:55:41 | 751 comments Overkill objects for everyday life 687 points by mrzool at 00:10:20 | 515 comments Space Debris Has Hit and Damaged the International Space Station 304 points by bryan0 at 13:15:25 | 140 comments The New York Times uses the dark patterns it derides 138 points by nireyal at 07:43:16 | 59 comments Uber charges driver for completing a 13-mile fare 133 points by bbatsell at 07:37:08 | 66 comments The Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly (2010) 131 points by ksangeelee at 05:46:31 | 111 comments Improving ventilation will help curb SARS-CoV-2 113 points by martincmartin at 05:09:43 | 71 comments Windows 10 nagging users with Bing advertisements (push alerts) 108 points by minama at 06:12:30 | 46 comments Somewhere Under My Left Ribs: A Nurse’s Story (2018) 101 points by blending at 02:20:14 | 21 comments China allows couples to have three children 101 points by jgilias at 17:48:20 | 120 comments Ask HN: Alternatives to Google Photos? 96 points by LifeIsBio at 07:26:44 | 75 comments Scamp – a homebrew 16-bit CPU 91 points by nickt at 09:49:28 | 13 comments Neural Networks Emulate Any Guitar Pedal for $120 76 points by ushakov at 18:30:27 | 28 comments Cities with the Best Work-Life Balance 2021 76 points by remt at 19:43:25 | 102 comments RFC.fyi: Browse RFCs by keywords, id or collection 75 points by amjd at 04:47:16 | 11 comments Naomi Osaka faces default from Grand Slam for refusing to speak to media 61 points by e2e4 at 05:33:03 | 79 comments NSA spying row: Denmark helped US gather data on European officials, says report 55 points by Black101 at 08:39:01 | 17 comments How counting neutrons explains nuclear waste 49 points by jasoncrawford at 02:02:25 | 19 comments Humans used to sleep in two shifts 47 points by dsukhin at 01:17:00 | 60 comments I Was Paralyzed by Severe Depression. Then Came Ketamine 46 points by WarOnPrivacy at 08:45:34 | 11 comments SXS switching cutover to ESS, live at Glendale CA central office (1984) [video] 44 points by tosh at 03:01:33 | 12 comments An Escalator Made of Cardboard 42 points by fortran77 at 05:27:25 | 9 comments Exxon Lost a Board Battle with a Small Hedge Fund 42 points by CapitalistCartr at 19:02:09 | 10 comments TermPair: Terminal sharing with AES-GCM 128 bit end-to-end encryption 40 points by illuminated at 08:25:05 | 15 comments How the Commodore Amiga Powered Your Cable System in the '90s – Atlas Obscura 40 points by rbanffy at 20:01:51 | 9 comments China maintains fusion at 120M Celsius for over 100sec, setting new WR 40 points by nixass at 03:18:55 | 1 comments A minimalistic Python wrapper to AWS DynamoDB 38 points by nsonachalam at 00:36:38 | 30 comments GraphQL Conf. is back in 2021 and has gone completely online and free 35 points by pikachuproblem at 20:17:00 | 2 comments Show HN: Notion API Go SDK 34 points by jomei at 15:21:27 | 0 comments In big tech’s dystopia, cat videos earn millions while real artists beg for tips 34 points by hardmaru at 15:29:42 | 53 comments FOSS-north 2021 is now live, virtual and streamed for free online 33 points by hnarn at 16:11:31 | 1 comments Daniel Stenberg: curl doesn't qualify for TravisCI free tier 26 points by yawaramin at 07:04:14 | 23 comments Noisy appliances: How loud is your house? 26 points by open-source-ux at 15:45:19 | 25 comments You Are Not “Addicted” to Technology 21 points by nireyal at 19:57:53 | 22 comments If you frame it like that (2020) 17 points by killittosaveit at 05:10:22 | 0 comments I’m a Physicist Who Searches for Aliens. U.F.O.s Don’t Impress Me 9 points by aliasEli at 06:47:08 | 5 comments The Madman as Painter (2016) 8 points by antismarm at 02:18:53 | 2 comments Ask HN: How does big apps/platform manage between ORM vs. Stored procedures? 8 points by ameyv at 01:18:59 | 0 comments Returns to Scale in Broken Windows 7 points by apophatic at 05:11:21 | 0 comments How the ‘Culture War’ Could Break Democracy 6 points by Digit-Al
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(20210530) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-30 Hot Posts 2021-05-30 Hot Posts Hacker News Amazon Refused to Refund $7k After Shipping an Empty Box Instead of a Sony A1 550 points by luu at 14:32:03 | 352 comments Trials begin on lozenge that rebuilds tooth enamel 414 points by beefman at 06:15:00 | 178 comments Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors 213 points by throwaway888abc at 04:39:34 | 137 comments Using fake reviews to find dangerous extensions 199 points by todsacerdoti at 00:25:31 | 89 comments Please Commit More Blatant Academic Fraud 197 points by EvgeniyZh at 17:15:14 | 88 comments All the best engineering advice I stole from non-technical people (2019) 191 points by techplex at 10:12:14 | 42 comments “Computer science is not about computers” 166 points by akakievich at 11:39:35 | 186 comments Phacility is winding down, Phabricator no longer actively maintained 154 points by carwyn at 05:35:14 | 72 comments Create AI videos by simply typing in text 122 points by vladoh at 05:02:26 | 49 comments Abolish High School (2015) 117 points by johntfella at 04:44:30 | 194 comments PolarDB, yet another open source database system based on PostgreSQL 98 points by jinqueeny at 11:25:13 | 40 comments Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans (1975) 92 points by pmoriarty at 03:44:52 | 62 comments Show HN: paperd.ink – open-source e-paper development board 86 points by robertlangdon at 15:22:23 | 25 comments Show HN: DarkHN – Dark Mode Mirror for Hacker News 71 points by xtrp at 09:27:21 | 40 comments Writing a game from first principles in 65c02 – Part One 68 points by homarp at 01:35:55 | 23 comments Ask HN: What's your sleeping setup(bed/pillows/sheets)? 68 points by lizdax at 02:05:29 | 86 comments Tech groups sue Florida over content moderation law 54 points by enraged_camel at 02:02:11 | 105 comments “Faraday Wax” – recreating old school high-vacuum epoxy 48 points by zdw at 04:03:39 | 12 comments GPG-Tui, a Terminal User Interface for GnuPG 46 points by sbt567 at 08:43:26 | 15 comments Offload Mental Simulation 42 points by zdw at 13:02:26 | 10 comments Don't take on China alone, says ex-Australia PM Kevin Rudd 40 points by deepmistry at 19:20:13 | 17 comments Dark Patterns Hall of Shame 36 points by bookofjoe at 06:45:47 | 4 comments Scottish Café 33 points by benbreen at 07:24:40 | 7 comments US soldiers accidentally leak nuclear secrets via study apps – report 31 points by sahin at 00:30:45 | 12 comments SunBook – Sunlight Readable Netbook (2014) 27 points by iagovar at 18:57:23 | 22 comments Ask HN: Negotiating Salary 23 points by 2bor-2n at 19:01:00 | 28 comments New York’s Hyphenated History 21 points by overwhelm at 00:25:40 | 1 comments What is the Fourth Dimension? (1884) 19 points by tintinnabula at 07:35:37 | 13 comments NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captures Shining Clouds on Mars 18 points by itbeho at 00:40:55 | 1 comments 'Greater Idaho' took one step closer to being a real thing 16 points by throwkeep at 05:23:51 | 16 comments Project Sanguine: a 6000 mile long antenna to communicate with submarines @ 76Hz 9 points by aroman at 05:27:10 | 0 comments Joseph Weizenbaum's Original ELIZA 9 points by fanf2 at 03:54:34 | 0 comments NASA Stirling Thermoacoustic Power Converter and Magnetostrictive Alternator 7 points by blacksqr at 07:18:20 | 0 comments BitTorrent Creator's 'Green' Cryptocurrency Accused of Burning Through SSDs 6 points by elsewhen at 07:50:21 | 1 comments The Hong Kong dilemma: ‘Either you shut up or you leave’ 5 points by chewz at 17:26:28 | 1 comments Why Misinformation Is About Who You Trust, Not What You Think 4 points by curmudgeon22 at 10:05:23 | 0 comments Show HN: Tubenotes.xyz – Annotate and Loop Videos 3 points by db1 at 19:25:50 | 0 comments China eyes 40 launches in 2021, space station a top priority – Global Times 3 points by mardiyah at 01:05:41 | 0 comments Substack (YC W18) is hiring technical recruiters to build the future of writing 1 points by jairajs89 at 05:01:11 | comments The Muse (YC W12) Is Hiring a Senior Platform Engineer 1 points by KMinshew at 20:00:3
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(20210529) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-29 Hot Posts 2021-05-29 Hot Posts Hacker News I quit my job to focus on SerenityOS full time 1009 points by there at 00:47:35 | 173 comments It's virtually impossible to read old iMessages and they take up tons of storage 419 points by spenvo at 02:48:34 | 190 comments Why Russians do not smile (2002) 280 points by 1experience at 01:02:28 | 207 comments The Feynman Lectures on Physics Audio Collection 277 points by sohkamyung at 10:37:32 | 59 comments Overwork killed more than 745k people in a year, WHO study finds 235 points by user_235711 at 02:46:39 | 148 comments Yamaha MOTOROiD 205 points by susam at 14:56:11 | 108 comments PostgreSQL EXPLAIN Output Explained 159 points by PhilipTrauner at 00:01:01 | 19 comments The Unix Game 126 points by salgernon at 03:31:02 | 16 comments Pwned passwords, open source in the .NET foundation and working with the FBI 123 points by jffry at 07:35:29 | 10 comments Remains of 215 children found at former residential school in British Columbia 123 points by bryanrasmussen at 15:25:51 | 68 comments Anthropic AI 88 points by vulkd at 01:25:17 | 23 comments WASM powered Jupyter (notebook) running in the browser 80 points by ahurmazda at 14:59:45 | 17 comments Launch HN: NextUX (YC S19) – Web UX editor and feedback tool for product teams 54 points by coyleandrew at 00:46:24 | 12 comments Finding CSV files that start with a BOM using ripgrep 53 points by pcr910303 at 18:27:35 | 17 comments Alphabet moonshot Loon is jolted by layoffs 49 points by ndesaulniers at 14:47:50 | 45 comments Berkeley Lab Debuts Perlmutter, World’s Fastest AI Supercomputer 47 points by infodocket at 07:39:34 | 23 comments Ghost Stations of the Paris Metro 46 points by bookofjoe at 18:57:28 | 11 comments Franz Kafka: Manuscripts, drawings and personal letters go online 44 points by keiferski at 16:15:44 | 5 comments Security Issues with LastPass on Android 37 points by AbhyudayaSharma at 15:14:49 | 17 comments Moving my US tech job to Australia 36 points by zdw at 13:10:50 | 18 comments Camera-Only Autopilot Requires Automatic High Beams Enabled 25 points by BoorishBears at 19:37:51 | 3 comments Google made it nearly impossible for users to keep their location private 23 points by CapitalistCartr at 20:14:07 | 1 comments Why Is JRuby Slow? 16 points by kristianp at 10:10:42 | 2 comments Why tests are fine when wet, not DRY (don't repeat yourself) 12 points by edward at 06:02:38 | 4 comments China maintains 'artificial sun' at 120M Celsius for over 100 seconds 12 points by huntermeyer at 10:09:25 | 1 comments Padmanabhaswamy Temple Treasure 9 points by hexamecha at 00:15:13 | 3 comments Next Angel Investor. They're 19 5 points by herbertl at 02:30:08 | 4 comments Microsoft says SolarWinds hackers have struck again 5 points by kokanator at 00:14:37 | 0 comments Greywing (YC W21) Is Hiring (Remote) Front End Lead Engineers 1 points by hrishi at 09:00:15 | comments Literably (IK12 W13) Is Hiring a Senior Software Engineer (Remote) 1 points by hmoody at 20:00:18 | comments V2EX 室友一边洗澡一边炉子上开火做饭,屡教不改,如何劝导? 第一次煮粥,然后跑去洗澡,粥扑出来了,我闻到糊味赶快跑出去处理,差点触发烟雾报警器。我说了她几句,她没敢说话。我以为她知道错了,以后不会再犯。 第二次烧水,差点烧干了,幸亏被我看见。等她洗完澡出来,我实在是受不了直接开骂了。她居然顶嘴说“我这次洗得很快,而且锅里水放的多,不会烧干。”合着她是故意一边洗澡一边开火的。 我看见的就两次,没看见的不知道有多少次。不想过分强调室友性别,怕被打拳。但是都成年人了,这消防意识实在是... 心意已决,合约到期一定让她走人。只是不知道剩下的日子里她会不会把房子烧了。 71 comments by xuegy at 08:19:01 in 生活 深圳市将不再受理发放新引进人才租房和生活补贴! 昨天看到的推送,深圳居然不再受理和发放新引进人才租房和生活补贴了; 原文地址: 重磅!深圳市将不再受理发放新引进人才租房和生活补贴! 有大佬知道这是什么情况不? 48 comments by jasonkayzk at 08:22:37 in 深圳 云桌面问题 公司打算上深信服的云桌面,目前开发主要是 java 后端跟 vue 前端,然后每台电脑限制不能上网或者只能上少数几个网站,下载资料只能通过另外的电脑,开发电脑不能上传等等管控. 想问问各位大佬有用过这种东西吗,体验怎么样,开发时容易卡死不,分给每台的配置大概是怎么样的呢 46 comments by pydiff at 10:31:43 in 程序员 想转行前端,面临 3 个选择,向大佬请教 个人背景 27 岁,本科计算机专业,毕业后没从事编程 技术掌握情况 HTML / CSS / JS / jQuery (会点 PHP 和 MySQL,能捣鼓个简单网站的程度) Vue (文档自定义指令之前部分) Github 主页 目前的 3 个选择 继续自学 Vue 全家桶再找工作 有个做外包项目的小工作室的实习岗机会 找个靠谱培训班系统学习一下再出来找工作 有点迷茫,请各位大佬不吝赐教 :) 33 comments by Duccck at 11:59:17 in 职场话题 广州联通不给公网 IP 前几天刚装了 2 条,分别是 1000M 和 100M,联通三化。问师傅要公网 IP 的时候,让我打 10010 或者找营业厅。营业厅的 cb2.0 是没法改宽带属性的,因此只好找 10010. 以监控设备为由向 10010 申请,客服给了一
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Hot Posts 2021-05-28 Hot Posts 2021-05-28 Hot Posts Hacker News The phrase “welcome back” on a page causes Safari to autofill a password 339 points by knorthfield at 17:20:51 | 205 comments The media's lab leak fiasco 296 points by ksec at 03:34:05 | 448 comments V8 Sparkplug – A non-optimizing JavaScript compiler 231 points by tosh at 00:19:02 | 99 comments Boring Avatars – React library to generate custom avatars 224 points by arnklint at 13:15:48 | 46 comments Mars Helicopter Lands Safely After Serious In-Flight Anomaly 207 points by tmfi at 13:56:17 | 77 comments Second-guessing the modern web (2020) 178 points by tosh at 05:48:11 | 123 comments Egyptian Circumnavigation of Africa ~600 BC 178 points by KhoomeiK at 00:37:04 | 105 comments Manifest v3 Update 141 points by TangerineDream at 00:47:03 | 59 comments QUIC is now RFC 9000 129 points by blucell at 08:25:49 | 21 comments Stacked Git – manage commits as a stack of patches 112 points by pcr910303 at 01:17:51 | 54 comments How I raised a $5.1M seed as a first-time, female, solo founder for a biotech co 100 points by walterbell at 04:28:28 | 66 comments Sandwell Bitcoin mine found stealing electricity 93 points by frereubu at 18:24:57 | 114 comments The rise of crypto laundries: how criminals cash out of Bitcoin 80 points by tokyoseb at 19:00:28 | 60 comments An Intuition for Lisp Syntax 65 points by codetrotter at 03:50:33 | 27 comments Gnat 2021 GPL Community Edition Ada 202x compiler released 55 points by berkeleynerd at 17:22:46 | 22 comments Extracting Data from an Old iOS App Broken by iOS 14.5 30 points by pcr910303 at 18:02:15 | 11 comments Blizzard Sends Cease-and-Desists to Diablo II: Resurrected Modders 30 points by Ferib at 02:23:32 | 8 comments ClickHouse: An open-source column-oriented database management system 19 points by tosh at 08:12:48 | 0 comments Getting Schooled: The Role of Universities in Attracting Immigrant Entrepreneurs 13 points by rustoo at 19:04:36 | 2 comments Lifetime Earnings in the United States over Six Decades 13 points by T-A at 16:44:58 | 4 comments Stuffed Dormouse and Fish Gut Sauce: The Flavors of Pompeii (2019) 11 points by diodorus at 08:05:28 | 5 comments Cmake.org SSL server certificate have expired 9 points by las_balas_tres at 20:39:28 | 3 comments Last night I was the victim of a SIM swap 9 points by b0ner_t0ner at 07:55:07 | 6 comments Agricultural Pest That Relies on Bacteria to Overcome Plant Defenses 5 points by rustoo at 19:09:05 | 0 comments Manufacturers urged to remove pre-installed apps on new phones 4 points by nixass at 03:08:20 | 0 comments Can Rilke Change Your Life? 3 points by mitchbob at 00:35:35 | 0 comments Etleap (YC W13) Is Hiring a Technical End User Documentation Writer 1 points by romming at 09:00:14 | comments Cortex (YC W20) Is Hiring Founding Engineers 1 points by anishdhar at 20:00:37 | comments V2EX lowcode 是不是在断后人的路? 看到一些 lowcode 平台其实并不好用,但毕竟摆在那里,从组件机制到部署一条线全干了,甚至禁止别的部署和接入方式。技术 leader 和产品都倾向于采用现成的方案。 其实实际开发还是写组件,没什么本质区别,另外还可能受限于封闭性做一堆有难度没价值的 hack 。工程化和性能优化两条路都堵死了。前人造轮子彻底封死后人造轮子的路(组件化、打包构建、CICD 直接与你无关),工作没成就感。个人发展和职业晋升受限,有能力的人挣扎挣扎走了,剩下能力平庸的用一套固定的东西实现傻逼的需求。 有些做 lowcode 平台的人自己也知道,做一堆封闭、全但差的东西就是要堵死别人。 171 comments by vevlins at 13:23:31 in 程序员 奇葩保险,几年前买的恋爱保险居然理赔成功了 几年中国人寿推出的恋爱保险,学生价 199,三年后到十年内结婚的保险公司会送出一万朵玫瑰,前两天才想起来之前买了这个保险的,尝试着去理赔,没想到现在可以选择要一万块钱或者一万朵玫瑰,果断地要了一万块钱(婚都结了要那么多玫瑰干啥)。。。感觉白白捡了一万,哈哈 85 comments by ghost3281 at 13:45:31 in 分享发现 马上要去实习了,和 mentor 相处有哪些需要注意的呢? 人生中第一次正儿八经的实习,就很慌。担心给别人添麻烦,也担心跟不上 mentor 的节奏。 看到群里有实习生吐槽自己的 mentor 是奋斗逼( 12 点了还不走,自己也不敢走😂),有的说自己 mentor 让自己下班就走别学坏,还有的说自己 mentor 每天 push 自己;突然又对自己的实习生活充满了幻想…… 所以想问问各位前辈,有什么需要注意的,或者有哪些自己带的实习生的行为是自己特别讨厌而需要避雷的…… 谢谢大家! 61 comments by dblpx at 08:56:36 in 职场话题 4K 显示器的选择 马上 618 了,想购买一个 4k 的显示器. UltraFine 4k,在 V 站评价算好的,但是官网没有货,DIY 就不考虑了. Dell 2720QM,现在某东的价格是 3999,价格合理吗? 60 comments by yngzij at 09:30:08 in 硬件 各位公司的 K8S 集群是通过什么方式搭建的? 我们的环境是私有云,搭建是用半自动的方式的,就是把启动需要的二进制文件和配置文件都分发到各个节点,虽然说这样可以改的地方比较多,比较灵活,但是非常容易改错某个配置导致集群启动不了。想问问你们公司都是咋搭建 k8s 的? kubearm ? rancher ? GitHub 上面的全自动化脚本?还是? 57 comments by zhoudaiyu at 06:16:48 in Kubernetes 纯粹好奇,为
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(20210527) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-27 Hot Posts 2021-05-27 Hot Posts Hacker News Servers as they should be – shipping early 2022 613 points by ykl at 02:45:35 | 185 comments River Runner: drop a raindrop anywhere in the USA, watch where it ends up 552 points by prawn at 08:01:50 | 81 comments Collusion rings threaten the integrity of computer science research 320 points by djoldman at 04:49:16 | 182 comments Show HN: Find Subreddits for Your Niche 240 points by thisissidhant at 01:59:47 | 131 comments Why and how GitHub is adopting OpenTelemetry 206 points by todsacerdoti at 03:21:28 | 61 comments Klarna users are being signed in to random accounts 163 points by danielstocks at 18:28:55 | 40 comments Different browsers see different colors 161 points by slimscsi at 01:13:58 | 67 comments OpenAI Announces Funding for Startups 151 points by cl42 at 01:43:06 | 68 comments A new algorithm for graph crossings, hiding in plain sight (2020) 124 points by panabee at 02:39:40 | 24 comments Ask HN: Anybody Started a Research Institute? 117 points by akhann at 16:25:30 | 55 comments Have you ever hurt yourself from your own code? 89 points by its_nikita at 00:00:27 | 53 comments Uber recognises a union for the first time 80 points by shivbhatt at 17:14:19 | 41 comments You can't have too many angels 78 points by wdaher at 05:26:35 | 51 comments Instagram lets users hide likes to reduce social media pressure 69 points by shivbhatt at 17:14:57 | 82 comments Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link 68 points by graderjs at 11:00:47 | 42 comments Immediate skin-to-skin contact with unstable newborns improves survival chances 53 points by billyharris at 15:48:20 | 22 comments LA pays $2600 per homeless tent, per month 48 points by temp8964 at 08:38:24 | 43 comments Russia reports 'unprecedented' hacking campaign aimed at government agencies 48 points by georgecmu at 19:18:31 | 12 comments Ask HN: Favorite Blogs by Individuals? 47 points by zffr at 20:29:09 | 20 comments If the Lab-Leak Theory Is Right, What’s Next? 39 points by CapitalistCartr at 18:58:20 | 85 comments I thought I would share how I, as someone who is visually impaired use my iPhone 18 points by eevilspock at 20:16:10 | 1 comments Immunity to the Coronavirus May Persist for Years, Scientists Find 11 points by AndrewBissell at 02:19:54 | 8 comments OpenHD - HD video, UAV telemetry, audio, and RC control 7 points by danboarder at 09:45:11 | 0 comments Historic verdict in climate case against Shell 4 points by rocqua at 00:42:52 | 2 comments A.I. Is Solving the Wrong Problem 3 points by mbellotti at 09:31:19 | 0 comments Rainforest (YC S12) Is Hiring Remote Engineers, Product Designers and CSM 1 points by ukd1 at 09:01:11 | comments Hive (YC S14) Is Hiring 1 points by ianroberts at 20:01:00 | comments V2EX 35 了,咱们程序员未来的路咋走呀 都说人到中年压力大,工作和家庭不在同一个城市,目前家庭收入非常单一,仅靠工资维系日常开销。虽然投资上有一点点收益,估计连通胀都顶不上。 if method=="回家": 工资=工资 /2 工作机会不多 房贷供不起 elif methon=="家人来工作地": 小孩读书学位问题 生活环境陌生,夫人不同意 哎,还有其他选项吗? 111 comments by machtimes at 09:28:45 in 生活 显卡装不进机箱,我裂开了 买了个 itx 机箱,详情页显示最多能装 336 长度的显卡,显卡详情页显示该显卡长度 335,结果装进去突出来一块。 淦,整个人都不好了 103 comments by aborigine at 00:14:24 in 硬件 抖音一进去就自动播放太恶心了 安装抖音多年,就有过多次因误触或者一时忘记带耳机点开而导致的尴尬场面,之前一直都觉得这是我自己的问题,就懒得吐槽了 但是最近在带货直播中买了几个商品,但是每当我进去想查订单状态的时候,我发现我还是绕不开一进去首页就自动播放视频的尴尬问题,我寻思,这个应该不算用户的问题了吧? 在发帖之前,我在抖音的设置找了两次,确认是没有找到有关闭按钮(用的是 ios 版本,如果是提供了只是我没找到,哪怕是我认为这个应该默认是关闭的,我都愿意道歉) 这个功能的初衷到底是啥吧?真没看懂啊 90 comments by yohole at 10:50:03 in 全球工单系统 如何说服老婆不去网红餐厅🍴吃饭? 不去第一次,每次喜欢看小红书、微博找这类餐厅,装修 ins 风,餐刚刚及格,甚至不好吃,而且吃不饱的。踩雷 N 次,乐此不疲,而且她还看不穿这类餐饮营销风格,就是找大 V 带 100 素人推的商单、"做作业" 80 comments by DreamCMS at 10:30:56 in 问与答 中午滴滴打车遇到个奇葩特斯拉车主 刚打完纳闷了下竟然打到一辆特斯拉 上车关门,师傅就来句: “下车关门轻点” 我懵了下 什么东西? 特斯拉车主又来了句:"下车门店轻点,知道吗?" 态度非常差 正常上车关门 怎么就重了? 我说行 没想着和他纠结 特斯拉车主又加了句:我这样说你可能会不舒服 说话不经意间带点优越感 纳闷了这是什么奇葩 下车给差评就行 下车的时候 我问他你来关门还是我来关 他赶紧下车: 我来关我来关 滴滴的乘客素质太差了惹不起 这没法忍 那我就和他对骂了 那能有你差吗.... 下车给差评 再一个电话投诉 投诉的时候变成了蓝道出行 希望投诉有点用 微博上这个也是骂声一片 大家遇到了 还是避开 75 comments by woshipanghu at 14:07:32 in 全球工单系统 618 求推荐电脑音箱 之前买了个拜亚动力 DT990,听过之后终于明白了什么才是好耳机,还原度高、不闷、耳朵挠痒的感觉,舒服。 现在想买一个桌面音箱,音质希望能达到 DT990 这种,能蓝牙连接播放,预算 3000 内是否可以,求推荐。 70 comments by balabalaguguji at 09:
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(20210526) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-26 Hot Posts 2021-05-26 Hot Posts Hacker News M1racles: An Apple M1 covert channel vulnerability 763 points by paulgerhardt at 11:02:00 | 208 comments YouTube approves ad by Belarusian gov with journalist from hijackd Ryanair plane 730 points by notimetocry at 04:14:04 | 179 comments Stripe Payment Links 647 points by joeyespo at 02:00:30 | 230 comments Gentoo Freenode channels have been hijacked 330 points by zatertip at 16:12:27 | 140 comments Freenode are now routinely hijacking channels that indicate they moved to Libera 277 points by daenney at 19:26:08 | 105 comments Rare Vietnam War images from the winning side, 1965-1975 265 points by pmoriarty at 06:36:35 | 198 comments Transcript of controller telling plane to land in Minsk 240 points by aericson at 00:51:28 | 180 comments Siemens acquires Supplyframe, owners of Hackaday and Tindie 224 points by kevinbowman at 00:38:52 | 129 comments One Week of Libera Chat 220 points by wut42 at 18:31:22 | 73 comments The Expanse UI Design 199 points by cryo at 16:42:06 | 100 comments YouTube Will Monetize Videos Without Paying Content Creators 173 points by StandardFuture at 02:15:04 | 190 comments Online Antipiracy firm sending copyright notices for downloading Ubuntu ISO 170 points by kasabali at 16:07:19 | 43 comments Half-Double: New hammering technique for DRAM Rowhammer bug 143 points by fqazi at 00:02:06 | 23 comments The problem with reinforced concrete (2016) 136 points by hrl at 05:29:15 | 133 comments How inevitable is the concept of numbers? 118 points by perardi at 01:46:08 | 125 comments Gio – write immediate-mode GUI programs in Go 105 points by rahimnathwani at 14:58:11 | 41 comments Facebook, Twitter & Instagram can be banned in India tomorrow for non-compliance 101 points by zakember at 02:55:44 | 166 comments Official Elixir IRC channel moves to Libera 94 points by wut42 at 18:38:10 | 5 comments Master List of Logical Fallacies (2018) 87 points by walterbell at 15:15:24 | 45 comments Finally Understanding PNG (2017) 65 points by Asdrubalini at 16:42:28 | 14 comments Understanding Multiple Neighbourhood Cellular Automata 63 points by nimbleal at 14:44:14 | 12 comments Show HN: Cascade Timeline Maker 61 points by koch at 05:21:14 | 6 comments Thousands of Chrome extensions are tampering with security headers 54 points by arkadiyt at 07:38:28 | 30 comments RPG-CLI – your filesystem as a dungeon 52 points by agluszak at 17:58:45 | 6 comments Europe's Only Buddist “Country” 51 points by janandonly at 18:03:57 | 34 comments Analysis of blood markers predicts human lifespan limit 40 points by Kinrany at 18:51:35 | 12 comments Introduction to Robotics 33 points by danboarder at 07:44:17 | 1 comments Ask HN: Is it better to generalise or specialise as a developer? 22 points by desertraven at 09:41:11 | 18 comments Government fell disastrously short in dealing with Covid – Cummings 19 points by mellosouls at 20:08:43 | 5 comments Belgian home affairs ministry hacked, ‘probably by China’ 18 points by laurensr at 04:47:54 | 0 comments Microsoft introduces its first product features powered by GPT-3 18 points by 0xedb at 06:45:34 | 0 comments John Cena apologized in Mandarin for calling Taiwan a country 15 points by strogonoff at 07:26:54 | 1 comments The Amazon Is Worth $8.2B If It’s Left Standing, Study Shows 11 points by aracena at 06:51:13 | 4 comments Surviving IDEO: A DEI critique of the design firm 11 points by Naracion at 01:44:46 | 2 comments Physicists Have Broken the Speed of Light with Pulses Inside Hot Plasma 6 points by ddingus at 01:37:07 | 3 comments Information inequality might become a bigger issue than wealth inequality 5 points by leventov at 01:22:10 | 1 comments WhatsApp Sues India’s Government to Stop New Internet Rules 4 points by jimmy2020 at 12:06:05 | 0 comments AtoB (YC S20) – Stripe for Transportation – hiring early engineers and operators 1 points by vignanv8 at 09:00:48 | comments Join 30 YC Founders at YC's Summer Jobs Expo on June 10th 1 points by ryankicks at 20:00:35 | comments V2EX 618 要来了 觉的值的买的都来更新进文档吧 我也会不断更新 http
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(20210525) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-25 Hot Posts 2021-05-25 Hot Posts Hacker News Use native context menus on Mac OS 379 points by reid at 14:57:04 | 176 comments Complexity is a source of income in open source ecosystems (2019) 242 points by teleforce at 00:39:07 | 151 comments Inkscape 1.1 228 points by RaitoBezarius at 05:45:05 | 72 comments Ask HN: How to get started with audio programming? 194 points by Flex247A at 14:54:43 | 64 comments Writing Pythonic Rust 174 points by zbentley at 01:18:15 | 130 comments Elk OS – Audio Operating System 125 points by ushakov at 04:54:54 | 42 comments Evidence-based Software Engineering: based on the publicly available data 123 points by teleforce at 00:43:30 | 14 comments Than Average 114 points by dvt at 07:29:03 | 95 comments Scientists use optogenetics to help a blind patient see again 112 points by bmau5 at 03:17:49 | 8 comments A journey to io_uring, AIO and modern storage devices 88 points by digikata at 01:13:44 | 12 comments GCHQ’s mass data-sharing violated right to privacy, court rules 87 points by robin_reala at 18:09:02 | 28 comments Italian seaside residents hit with bygone feudal tax 79 points by hiharryhere at 15:32:56 | 58 comments Sen. Warren wants to bar members of Congress from trading individual stocks 56 points by ArkanExplorer at 07:21:59 | 23 comments Drunk as a Lord: the Regency Bottle Men 55 points by solvent at 12:29:22 | 34 comments Bird Architecture 50 points by onemind at 12:35:19 | 6 comments Show HN: Send email via Amazon ses and Sendgrid from your Google Sheets 46 points by theindianappguy at 17:14:53 | 41 comments ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World 36 points by seanhandley at 14:49:17 | 6 comments Data portability, the forgotten right of GDPR 33 points by mehdim at 20:14:42 | 0 comments German regulator probes Google's market position, data use 29 points by shivbhatt at 19:19:20 | 0 comments Google now lets you password-protect the page that shows all your searches 25 points by shivbhatt at 19:19:58 | 10 comments Research reveals why some find the sound of others eating so irritating 25 points by daegloe at 19:55:07 | 9 comments ‘Charlie Bit My Finger’ Is Leaving YouTube After $760,999 NFT Sale 22 points by sndean at 08:13:19 | 9 comments Need Something Sorted? Sleep on It 19 points by ingve at 04:54:38 | 8 comments The 31 Laws Of Fun 17 points by optimalsolver at 20:06:18 | 0 comments Immudb 1.0 – open-source, immutable database with SQL and verified timetravel 15 points by vchain-dz at 19:49:50 | 7 comments Ask HN: What’s your most recent “this didn’t need to be a SPA” experience? 13 points by jamghee at 02:49:18 | 7 comments Reddit's Technology North Stars for 2021 13 points by punitrathore at 06:58:40 | 11 comments Tesla owners win legal fight after update crippled older Model S batteries 8 points by samizdis at 07:19:07 | 2 comments Ask HN: Job Options for software engineer 7 points by productstudio at 07:38:43 | 12 comments Diverse Viruses Carrying Genes for Microbial Extremotolerance in Atacama Desert 6 points by DanBC at 05:21:32 | 0 comments Jerry, Inc. (YC S17) Is Hiring Senior Software Engineers 1 points by artag at 09:01:02 | comments Fractional (YC W21) is hiring a product engineer 1 points by carlostrevino at 20:01:02 | comments V2EX 真有人觉得 Git 会提高生产力? 以前一直觉得 Git 挺好。不过最近做了一个 feature,改了一大堆文件。这些文件别人也在改,有非常多 commit 。在 Git 合并,解决冲突,rebase 上花的时间远超以前用 svn/perforce/tfs 。 看这么多人吹 git,不知道逻辑是什么,难道一个更加复杂的东西使用时会花费更少的精力? svn 这种中心化模式,一个人 merger 好了,其他人 sync 一下即可。现在用了 git 每个人都要管理自己的 branch,自己去做 merge 同步,真觉得这样省力? 难道你们都是一个人在开发 ?一个冲突没有? 158 comments by longway at 10:37:11 in git 四十岁了,也没攒到什么钱,有必要读研吗? 四十出头了,也没做到行业的翘楚,也没做到中层,也没攒到什么钱。工作也飘忽不定,有必要去读下研究生提升下吗?两年时间外加不小的一笔费用,还在犹豫不决。 106 comments by forsky at 08:28:04 in 问与答 迫于每天喝咖啡,请大家推荐,自动咖啡机还是胶囊咖啡机还是速溶? 各位大佬,先给您问个好!早安 小弟每天都需要喝咖啡,特别喜欢美式不加糖,一开始星爸爸,后面实在扛不住(其实是太贵 换成了 711 的冰美式,然后每天都要去买,感觉还是很费劲,想着能不能在家就喝一杯,就不用买了。。。大佬们都是怎么解决咖啡问题的呢?有没有大佬买过咖啡机,是否推荐呢?是否吃灰? 95 comments by PEIENYKYK at 09:26:42 in 咖啡 麦当劳小程序终于重构了,普天喜庆 以前那套小程序的水平简直了,一大堆 bug,各种无限循环 86 comments by tottea at 09:53:03 in 微信 各位咖啡专业户,求比较好喝的黑咖啡 帮朋友问问,我自己对咖
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Hot Posts 2021-05-20 Hot Posts 2021-05-20 Hot Posts Hacker News Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) to be retired on June 15, 2022 337 points by smukherjee19 at 02:00:24 | 177 comments FTC and several states sue Frontier Communications regarding internet speeds 303 points by marc__1 at 01:13:27 | 125 comments UK Rail services to come under unified state control 182 points by petewailes at 14:33:22 | 261 comments Ampere announces their next CPU will use custom microarchitecture instead of ARM 160 points by gautamcgoel at 15:09:56 | 95 comments Out of control San Francisco shoplifting forcing Walgreens to close 17 stores 150 points by SQL2219 at 09:22:16 | 162 comments YouTube ads in Safari: you see them now, will you see them in the future? 141 points by taxyovio at 02:54:05 | 150 comments Sharing learnings about our image cropping algorithm 138 points by dsr12 at 02:10:21 | 79 comments TikTok's co-founder to step down as chief executive 112 points by throwawaysea at 14:20:10 | 44 comments OpenFlexure Microscope, an open-source optical microscope 86 points by fybs at 09:42:36 | 24 comments Google MUM: A new AI milestone for understanding information 80 points by chris_f at 07:15:51 | 54 comments Miss Shilling's orifice helped win the war (2020) 74 points by choult at 05:12:07 | 10 comments Ansible 4.0 64 points by AJAlabs at 06:45:36 | 35 comments “I Could Rewrite Curl” 62 points by TangerineDream at 20:13:48 | 18 comments 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development 57 points by noch at 04:43:42 | 2 comments TSMC Claims Breakthrough on 1nm Chip Production 53 points by 0-_-0 at 16:36:15 | 29 comments “Energy in the Future”: a time capsule of energy concerns from 1953 45 points by herogreen at 05:47:33 | 24 comments Nikola Tesla invention from 100 years ago suddenly makes more sense today 44 points by hirundo at 07:57:04 | 7 comments The Whole Freenode Kerfluffle 39 points by gbrown_ at 16:52:41 | 18 comments On Establishing a Cloud Security Program 38 points by aburan28 at 03:49:01 | 1 comments File Descriptor Limits 37 points by ingve at 07:22:45 | 9 comments Unexpected 'Black Swan' defect discovered in soft matter for first time 35 points by dnetesn at 18:55:00 | 12 comments Landlock merged in mainline for Linux 5.13 24 points by p4bl0 at 07:00:10 | 7 comments Show HN: Nyxt Browser 2.0.0 18 points by jmercouris at 19:04:43 | 1 comments World’s largest iceberg spotted in Antarctica 18 points by the_70x at 16:00:34 | 5 comments Bitcoin crashed today – it was market shenanigans, not China 11 points by davidgerard at 06:55:51 | 0 comments Discrete MOSFETs Make Up This Compact CPU-Less Computer 10 points by x14km2d at 05:22:44 | 0 comments China Has No Intention of Walking Away from Its Claims on Taiwan 10 points by miles at 01:57:14 | 0 comments Lima is like a “macOS subsystem for Linux” 8 points by feross at 02:02:52 | 0 comments FemtoStar: Taking Aim for the Stars 7 points by privong at 04:37:21 | 0 comments Breakthrough in semiconductor materials could push back the ‘end’ of Moore’s Law 7 points by turtlegrids at 00:24:45 | 0 comments Wordpress 5.8 dropping support for Internet Explorer 11 7 points by purec at 08:28:00 | 1 comments If you don't talk to your kids about quantum computing, someone else will 6 points by ghgr at 02:47:23 | 1 comments OnlyFans Isn’t Just Porn;) 5 points by adrian_mrd at 02:42:50 | 0 comments The Architecture of Uber’s API Gateway 5 points by hyzyla at 02:01:17 | 0 comments Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement 4 points by svenfaw at 03:22:19 | 2 comments Ampere Is Designing Their Own Arm Server CPU Cores, Coming in 2022 4 points by varbhat at 12:52:06 | 0 comments What Happened to Ripe.net? 3 points by pashadee at 00:52:32 | 2 comments Cover (YC W16) Is Hiring 1 points by ksar at 05:00:43 | comments Porter (YC S20) Is Hiring a FullStack Engineer 1 points by sungrokshim at 20:00:02 | comments V2EX 币圈各位最近手心出汗了没? 跌的有点惨啊 126 comments by ianshow15 at 09:02:00 in 投资 不懂就问。类和函数有什么区别? 看了 python 的书籍,里面涉及到类的部分(也许是写的不好,也许是我理解不够。)。让我觉得类和函数没区别啊。写好一个类以后。你给他输入。他给你返回输出。写好了放在那里。随时调用。类可以嵌套。父类,子类。函数也可以嵌套。 问过几个朋
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(20210519) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-19 Hot Posts 2021-05-19 Hot Posts Hacker News Project Starline: Feel like you're there, together 769 points by ra7 at 02:54:06 | 300 comments The tools and tech I use to run a one-woman hardware company 520 points by todsacerdoti at 02:47:00 | 68 comments Nvidia cripples cryptocurrency mining on RTX 3080 and 3070 cards 349 points by wglb at 03:01:49 | 538 comments Site Isolation in Firefox 333 points by arthuredelstein at 00:02:01 | 78 comments In 1982, a one-bit hack let me dodge a summer of filling in potholes 229 points by mad_ned at 18:07:21 | 51 comments Poor in Tech 215 points by tosh at 18:55:30 | 195 comments LaMDA: Google's New Conversation Technology 208 points by rnd2 at 01:28:41 | 98 comments Boosting upload speed and improving Windows' TCP stack 194 points by el_duderino at 01:28:41 | 85 comments The data model behind Notion's flexibility 184 points by pspeter3 at 03:55:17 | 65 comments Facebook Calls Links to Depression Inconclusive. These Researchers Disagree 174 points by tareqak at 07:19:06 | 102 comments The Textbook That Unleashed Ramanujan's Genius 160 points by cbracketdash at 11:58:05 | 34 comments Security keys are now supported for SSH Git operations 154 points by Androider at 12:51:17 | 101 comments Commander X16 139 points by ibobev at 11:22:25 | 48 comments How corporations buy – and sell – food made with prison labor 130 points by adrian_mrd at 15:44:32 | 121 comments Freenode now belongs to Andrew Lee, and I'm leaving for a new network 125 points by 4ad at 20:06:26 | 24 comments The Matrix Space Beta 122 points by fasquoika at 04:28:16 | 33 comments The overfitted brain: Dreams evolved to assist generalization 119 points by hheikinh at 01:57:10 | 49 comments Elixir v1.12 Released 119 points by princemaple at 18:21:53 | 18 comments YouTube Experiencing Issues 83 points by joenathanone at 11:01:44 | 46 comments Advice for Young Scientists–and Curious People in General 71 points by yarapavan at 15:44:28 | 16 comments Orchestrate VMs with Kubernetes 39 points by WolfOliver at 15:26:06 | 5 comments Movfuscator: Compile C into only mov instructions 35 points by todsacerdoti at 07:47:09 | 5 comments One Hundred Ideas for Computing 25 points by yesenadam at 17:11:15 | 7 comments Google and Samsung Are Merging Wear OS and Tizen 25 points by MikusR at 02:59:19 | 3 comments Fiscal-Driven Inflation 20 points by exolymph at 08:56:22 | 5 comments The Unparalleled Genius of John von Neumann 16 points by TheTrotters at 19:07:55 | 7 comments Millennials are buying fixer-uppers because it's the only way to afford a home 11 points by paulpauper at 00:13:24 | 8 comments The Military's Undercover Army: ‘Signature Reduction’ 10 points by cwwc at 01:19:15 | 1 comments Automatically Make Unit Tests 10 points by todsacerdoti at 17:57:05 | 0 comments Android12: Designed for You 8 points by quyleanh at 08:46:50 | 8 comments The billionaire boom: how the super-rich soaked up Covid cash 8 points by Brajeshwar at 14:27:20 | 0 comments Google's smart canvas is its next big idea for collaborating at work 7 points by vroushh at 01:42:18 | 1 comments Linear B 6 points by cullinap at 03:11:50 | 0 comments Bill Gates Thought Jeffrey Epstein Was His Ticket to a Nobel Prize, Staffer Says 5 points by AndrewBissell at 02:55:52 | 0 comments Ford reveals new electric F-150 Lightning pickup during Biden’s visit 5 points by camjohnson26 at 03:14:13 | 1 comments Welcome to Libera Chat 3 points by smitop at 20:39:41 | 0 comments Sirum is hiring engineers for the micro-fulfillment of medicine 1 points by akircher at 05:00:09 | comments PostureHealth, Inc. (YC S21) Is Hiring 1 points by growthtalk4 at 20:00:18 | comments V2EX Linux 桌面环境到底如何选择?为啥经常看到有人说 kde 比 gnome 好用?这个好用体现在哪?流畅性?软件兼容性?还是自定义性? kde 有哪些优势呢?有很多人说 GNOME3 很拉跨,到底拉在哪里地方?作为一个桌面什么最重要呢? GNOME3 到底用了什么技术所以就拉跨了? 我只是简单的用过几天 ked 和 gnome 感觉不出太多的差异 另外我觉得桌面环境有一点非常重要 就是颜色和字体渲染 引用某乎大佬的一句话“gnome 废物, 这么多系统预装份额才这么点, 足见有多烂, 就如同 Windows 预装 IE 却被 chrome 远远甩开完全是因为太烂一样.” 阿这 到底烂在哪里???当然 IE 的烂是大家公认的 所以它现在死了 如果你问我 Windows 烂吗? emmm 还好吧 有点烂 但是作为一个全世界份额最多的桌面系统 高分屏 字体渲染的如此辣鸡,还有颜色管理如此辣鸡的桌面还
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(20210518) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-18 Hot Posts 2021-05-18 Hot Posts Hacker News Why is the Gaza Strip blurry on Google Maps? 662 points by vanusa at 02:42:45 | 335 comments Terms and Conditions Game 400 points by Clewza313 at 14:29:07 | 70 comments Microsoft Authenticator Chrome Extention is not from MS and is phishing 237 points by cheph at 18:31:03 | 100 comments A police dog who cried drugs at every traffic stop 210 points by pessimizer at 02:23:39 | 161 comments Recovering “lost” treasure-filled floppy discs with an oscilloscope 177 points by scarybeast at 03:38:38 | 26 comments uxn: a portable 8-bit virtual computer 171 points by bpierre at 01:35:32 | 29 comments SEC Charges S&P Dow Jones for Failures Relating to Volatility-Related Index 159 points by epa at 03:01:48 | 47 comments Ask HN: Are you satisfied with Elixir or do you regret choosing Elixir? 159 points by sdiw at 18:02:44 | 60 comments Positions chess engines don't understand 157 points by diplodocusaur at 05:48:54 | 73 comments Breakthrough in deciphering Minoan Linear A script 136 points by qsi at 12:51:05 | 32 comments How I learned to stop worrying and love the lab-leak theory 113 points by themgt at 00:04:09 | 202 comments Some Night-Shift Workers May Have a 300% Higher Risk of Car Crashes 110 points by IMAYousaf at 02:51:23 | 69 comments Legalese – Computational Law 97 points by sdeframond at 04:36:44 | 48 comments Why do database columns have a character length of 191? 95 points by andyjih_ at 02:18:18 | 30 comments Caltech professor helps solve Hindenburg disaster 92 points by chmaynard at 03:44:55 | 42 comments A long-lasting, stable solid-state lithium battery 87 points by macinjosh at 04:14:30 | 34 comments JupyterLab LaTeX – live-editing of LaTeX documents in JupyterLab 71 points by gjvc at 05:05:45 | 12 comments NetBSD 9.2 71 points by vermaden at 14:53:59 | 29 comments Show HN: Apply for a job through SSH, $ ssh jobs.hackclub.com 63 points by zachlatta at 06:42:22 | 29 comments Can't Unsee 56 points by rajlego at 06:05:32 | 17 comments Brood X Periodical Cicadas FAQ 50 points by ag8 at 06:25:51 | 27 comments Why Civilization Is Older Than We Thought 50 points by throwkeep at 05:25:28 | 8 comments Just 20 firms behind more than half of single-use plastic waste – study 48 points by pmoriarty at 13:11:21 | 49 comments Open source retro ISA video card 47 points by jnord at 16:22:44 | 3 comments First nuclear detonation created ‘impossible’ quasicrystals 43 points by sova at 05:36:43 | 11 comments Renewable Energy Boomed In 2020 43 points by williamsharris at 14:35:29 | 34 comments Show HN: Volument – Our take on website analytics 41 points by fuzzymind at 02:04:27 | 19 comments Can Machines Control Our Brains? 39 points by theafh at 01:39:03 | 14 comments Identify a Facebook user by his phone number despite privacy settings set 34 points by throwaway888abc at 04:41:30 | 1 comments Galapagos Islands: Erosion fells Darwin’s Arch 34 points by janpot at 15:22:54 | 5 comments BPF for Storage: An Exokernel-Inspired Approach [pdf] 33 points by ingve at 19:12:13 | 1 comments Saying the Difficult Things 32 points by ethangk at 06:45:20 | 10 comments Converting stroked primitives to filled primitives (2020) 32 points by vg_head at 17:47:28 | 0 comments Hyundai Nexo sets new world record 887.5 km travelled on single tank of hydrogen 23 points by teleforce at 20:19:59 | 10 comments Hot Chips 33: Alder Lake, Sapphire Rapids, Zen 3, Next-Gen Z, Neoverse N2 20 points by rbanffy at 05:25:36 | 4 comments Long working hours are killing hundreds of thousands of people a year, WHO says 19 points by vo2maxer at 02:50:08 | 1 comments Server glitch allowed Eufy owners to see through other homes’ cameras 12 points by MBCook at 04:10:04 | 0 comments Ask HN: Tool to create personal Wayback Machine 8 points by lankinen at 00:55:40 | 3 comments Boom Supersonic: 'Anywhere in the world in four hours for $100' 6 points by jaytaylor at 00:08:31 | 0 comments How to make your marriage awesome: 6 secrets from a top divorce lawyer 4 points by gamechangr at 03:33:40 | 0 comments Concerns rising ove
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(20210517) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-17 Hot Posts 2021-05-17 Hot Posts Hacker News Cosmopolitan Libc 1.0 347 points by Orochikaku at 12:57:49 | 60 comments Washington state removes all barriers to municipal broadband 287 points by joeyespo at 00:32:25 | 61 comments Systemd: The Good Parts 269 points by pcr910303 at 02:42:26 | 250 comments Coin Carbon Cap – PoW cryptocurrencies ranked by energy efficiency 222 points by GBiT at 02:35:17 | 164 comments Missing line in a smart contract leads to $10M hack 213 points by drdrey at 01:59:46 | 210 comments There have been 7M-13M excess deaths worldwide during the pandemic 213 points by pranshum at 06:09:37 | 339 comments Working over 55 hours a week associated with higher risk of stroke, heart attack 192 points by pmoriarty at 14:21:32 | 89 comments Starting in August, Google will require that they sign apps, not you 187 points by mritzmann at 04:20:43 | 148 comments An iOS app update that annoys me 146 points by pcr910303 at 02:41:32 | 66 comments Replacing Elasticsearch with Rust and SQLite (2017) 131 points by nethunters at 01:24:24 | 21 comments Plotting the source code “TODO” history of the most popular open source projects 115 points by nreece at 13:51:50 | 62 comments How M1 Macs feel faster than Intel models: it’s about QoS 107 points by giuliomagnifico at 19:23:07 | 59 comments Apple-Epic judge asks why offering iOS users a choice is bad 105 points by CrankyBear at 04:59:33 | 79 comments Geocode-sqlite: Geocode rows in an SQLite database table 101 points by chmaynard at 11:54:47 | 10 comments Jolie, the service-oriented programming language 95 points by RcrdBrt at 15:03:57 | 31 comments The ClickHouse Community 93 points by Bimal_kumar at 13:57:09 | 41 comments A Pixel Purse LED Cube Controlled by a Cisco 3G Modem 88 points by parsecs at 13:57:22 | 11 comments Bette Graham, inventor and founder of Liquid Paper 81 points by paulpauper at 01:26:14 | 32 comments Busy Being Born (2004) 77 points by fortran77 at 06:37:37 | 18 comments Fullerton settles lawsuit against bloggers for publishing City Hall documents 77 points by us0r at 04:37:32 | 15 comments Which hypercube unfoldings tile space? 71 points by kvnhn at 08:58:24 | 21 comments Show HN: TinyStore - A minimal store for your Shopify Lite plan 69 points by hapiben at 16:45:10 | 33 comments Show HN: Free open-source isolated browser for security 50 points by graderjs at 10:10:11 | 27 comments The PGP Problem: A Critique (2020) 41 points by JoachimS at 17:35:00 | 6 comments AI Mid 2021: Self Driving Car Meets Reality 41 points by tempodox at 16:10:33 | 10 comments CEO Behind 5,500% Stock Gain Says His Secret Is Raising Salaries 39 points by dgudkov at 07:58:50 | 9 comments The Achilles Heel of the Coronavirus 33 points by oumua_don17 at 06:40:35 | 5 comments Feeling like a pariah (even when you’re not) 31 points by luu at 16:34:56 | 7 comments Let's Encrypt – DST Root CA X3 Expiration (September 2021) 24 points by jorislacance at 16:55:16 | 6 comments ‘Journey to the Edge of Reason’ Review: Gödel’s Beautiful Mind 24 points by Vigier at 12:35:26 | 1 comments The search for a perfect access control system 20 points by aberoham at 03:10:49 | 2 comments Ask HN: I think I hate the software development industry? Am I crazy? 20 points by goodbyeworld37 at 06:22:02 | 19 comments SpaceX Reveal Details of Starship’s Planned Orbital Test Flight [video] 19 points by st_goliath at 05:07:20 | 0 comments Dark Side of Posix APIs 17 points by ingve at 19:00:29 | 0 comments Federal Gov. left ‘completely blind’ on cyberattacks looks to force reporting 16 points by Black101 at 07:38:56 | 2 comments Orphan Utopia: John Ballou Newbrough’s desert colony (2017) 12 points by not-now at 02:11:56 | 2 comments Australian Uyghur activist experienced online trolling, nasty messages, malware 8 points by giuliomagnifico at 13:56:23 | 0 comments Elon Musk Tweet may suggest change in Tesla’s Bitcoin holdings 6 points by adidar83 at 05:22:41 | 0 comments You Can’t Sacrifice Partition Tolerance 5 points by xk3 at 08:15:39 | 1 comments The Source of the Nile River: A Mystery T
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(20210516) Hot Posts
Hot Posts 2021-05-16 Hot Posts 2021-05-16 Hot Posts Hacker News Observing my cellphone switch towers 298 points by ingve at 15:16:32 | 44 comments I have a lot to say about Signal’s Cellebrite hack 229 points by curmudgeon22 at 10:16:56 | 179 comments The True Size of Africa (2015) 189 points by metahost at 02:22:20 | 113 comments The chip shortage could lead to an era of hardware innovation 137 points by cofree at 12:23:25 | 80 comments Show HN: Bibliogram – Open-source front-end for Instagram 128 points by commoner at 02:37:11 | 33 comments I was an astrologer – here's how it really works (2019) 123 points by hyperpallium2 at 00:31:39 | 106 comments Statement: AP 'horrified' by Israeli attack on its office 113 points by AndrewBissell at 00:14:47 | 74 comments Samsung boosts chip investment to $151 bln as S.Korea offers bigger tax breaks 108 points by minwuekim at 14:51:45 | 55 comments Audacity (#889): Actions we propose to take on PR #835 101 points by jraph at 17:57:28 | 71 comments Absolute wealth, relative wealth, taxes, and staying rich 82 points by colinprince at 11:38:42 | 118 comments TIL: Tcl-inspired command language on top of D 75 points by blacksqr at 02:40:30 | 9 comments Brain size drives differences in yawn duration across mammals and birds 68 points by vnglst at 14:36:09 | 25 comments GitHub Actions Down 56 points by kakamiokatsu at 16:47:56 | 25 comments Commodore’s Assemblers: Part 1: MOS Cross-Assembler 50 points by matt_d at 03:17:45 | 2 comments Show HN: ThingsTwin – 3D House Plan Based UI for Smart Home 43 points by Can0nC at 11:32:29 | 10 comments Suez Canal will be widened by 131 feet to avoid a repeat of the Ever Given chaos 41 points by pseudolus at 19:42:57 | 25 comments Making Your Own Tools 40 points by axiomdata316 at 01:40:22 | 4 comments Python Language Summit: PEP 654 – Exception Groups and Except 39 points by BerislavLopac at 16:00:08 | 5 comments Extracting Data from Tracking Devices 38 points by todsacerdoti at 11:36:56 | 1 comments Why introverts can be better leaders than extroverts 35 points by Anon84 at 19:22:36 | 16 comments Ditching meat isn’t the answer for climate change. Better farming is 34 points by mooreds at 07:24:38 | 15 comments Verifying Vectorized Rust Revisited 34 points by ingve at 15:51:03 | 3 comments Herdwicks: The sheep that shaped the Lake District 23 points by bananapear at 16:37:13 | 6 comments Why I Quit DIY 21 points by jasonhansel at 07:15:12 | 38 comments Tesla crash driver posted videos of himself riding without hands on wheel 21 points by benrmatthews at 05:09:04 | 24 comments Waymo AV Freaked Out by Traffic Cones, Blocks Traffic, Evades Support Vehicles 15 points by clouddrover at 08:16:05 | 5 comments Ask HN: How do I find collaborators? 6 points by realsimplesynd at 03:57:35 | 2 comments BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a Principal Engineer 1 points by the_economist at 05:00:51 | comments The Muse (YC W12) Is Hiring a Senior Data Engineer 1 points by KMinshew at 20:01:13 | comments V2EX 新冠防疫常态化期间,哪怕是中国国内,为什么会存在这两种人?明知道不能放松为什么还是要放松? 新冠防疫期间,为什么会存在《每天都坚持戴口罩的人》 和 《放松警惕不愿意坚持每天都戴口罩的人》(排除不是买不起口罩的因素),这两种人的价值观哪个更加好?人类是不是注定要一部分人是傻逼呢?如果存在上帝,为什么上帝要这样设计人类?如果人类要遵从历史车轮要进化,请问何时能进化成《更有智慧的人》呢? 115 comments by huangsen365 at 22:07:40 in 随想 突然有了个点子不知道未来会不会有人去做 周末躺在家里,感觉外卖没啥好吃的,想自己做饭又不想出去买菜,也不是很想做饭,但是又想吃家里的饭,不知道未来有没有那种 app 下单吃啥,然后有人接单了就去帮你买菜再来你家做饭那种,给每个人打分啥的,这样比如家里来很多客人也可以下单来找人买菜做饭 49 comments by should at 12:05:33 in 奇思妙想 不知道有没有看 B 站的,现在字母缩写现象很严重啊 标题,封面文字,字幕,充斥着大量的首字母缩写。 有的缩写还不够,还要做消音处理。 更有甚者,字母+消音+全屏马赛克…… 估计 Z 过 J 年,我 M 的 W 字,会 BC 这个样 Z 。 简简体中文 44 comments by weiruanniubi at 08:47:31 in 分享发现 关于哪种语言速度执行速度最快,画了张图表,顺带吐槽 起因:昨天论坛老哥分享 Python 性能提升计划,其中一些涉及性能的讨论,27 楼老哥自己画了个图表看起来挺不错的。原贴链接 我个人是因为对 python 性能提升很感兴趣,对其他语言的语言性能比较也很感兴趣,有大版本更新的时候都会搞一些简单算法看看到底快了多少。这回看到这个老哥的图感觉挺不错的,该老哥称自己定期爬取 the benchmarks ganme 画出来的图,我感觉不如直接搞成一个自动维护项目,以后也省得手贱再自己动手跑了。 鼓捣了一下,大概思路就是基于 github 的分发特性,一个图片链接可以一直保持在最新数据,然后我在原版数据的基础上添加了两个 python 的 jit 解释器( pypy 和 pyston ),最后结果如下: 数据来源 https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/index.html ===================== 几点说明: 1 、语言
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