July Club Meeting Reminder 2
Hello Ham Family Our July club meeting will be held on Tuesday July 23rd at 7pm at the post. Weather permitting we will meet on the patio for the benefit of those who don't do well with the smoke. A few reminders I share with you. 1. Membership dues are payable this month. Regular membership is $20. An Associate Membership, for those who don't want to be able to vote or who cannot attend the monthly meetings, is $10. Please see treasurer Jennifer to take care of this. 2. August is when the Kansas QSO Party is held annually. Thank you for being a part of our ham community. 73 Patricia Hawkins, KE0TGA Vice President VFW Post 3115 Amateur Radio Club
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Board Meeting 2
Hello Board Members Due to several board members not being available to attend the board will not meet before the July general meeting. Just wanted to let you all know. 73 Pat
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Repeater Taken Off Blind Hams
Attention W0VFW Members Our VHF repeater has been taken off the Blind Hams node due to conduct unbecoming a ham who uses our repeater. This was brought to my attention by leadership from Blind Hams and via W8LM and I have confirmed some information by speaking with others. KC0VYJ has been addressed by others about proper on air conduct and now we are forced to take action. The complaint involves being on air while drunk, making racist remarks, and using language not appropriate for this group. As your Repeater Trustee it falls to me to enforce repeater rules and so the VHF repeater has been taken down from the Blind Hams node while we deal with this matter. While the club cannot prevent all bad conduct we can dictate what we permit on our repeater. Because of our affiliation with VFW Post 3115 we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to racism and disrespect of our members and friends. If you have any questions please contact me and I will answer promptly. The repeater may be brought back up for nets or when W8LM or KE0TGA can monitor conduct. Otherwise it will be down until I am convinced the problem is resolved. 73 KE0TGA Repeater Trustee, VFW-ARC
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @
Radio Club Meeting Reminder
Greetings Ham Family Please join us on Tuesday June 25th for our monthly membership meeting. Gaylen will be our guest speaker and he will speak about how radio use to be. He will also bring examples so come on out and enjoy the fun. Also because of the heat we will likely meet inside rather than on the patio unless something changes. Dues must be paid for the new year. Yes the post views the year as from July to July, thus dues come due in July. Jennifer, our current treasurer, will accept dues at our June meeting in order to keep folks current. If you cannot do that you can also pay at the July meeting. Note that Patricia will also be updating the membership information. So when you pay your dues check with Pat to make sure she has all your current information. See you soon. 73 Pat Hawkins, KE0TGA Vice President VFW Post 3115 Amateur Radio Club
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @
Sidewalk Sale W8LM's report and observations to the group.. 2
As per usual, everything planned did not come into being.. Grand prize was NOT a Tesla.... Police were not called because of the parking problem Not a single potential ham passed the written exam.. No one was shot.. I did notice red or green laser dots on my chest from time to time. However we did have good weather, and some interesting conversations. Everyone left before the 1pm strip show started... Next time we need to have Russel bring his guitar Patricia and Hazel sing more Christian songs.. That we did need. The 50/50 brought $74 and payout was $37... i believe based on that we had about 14-16 people buy tickets. i suspect from a car count of 25 cars in the lot, there were about 50 total people.. I had hoped for 100... But the last State convention I attended in Salina they had 40 people.. 2 years ago.. I did not buy any tickets.. I supplied the Penny's and eggs. And the hot dog buns... I bought more than we sold. my actual costs to the club is as follows. 3 Dozen eggs $1.72 * 3 = $5.16 4 packages hot dog buns... $1.46 * 4.= $5.843 eight packs of hot dogs.. $1.29 * 3.= $3.87 TOTAL = $14.78 I bought the canopy, made signs, brought 2 rolls of paper towels, mustard, catsup, personal hand held radios.. table and folding chair..and a sales lady to hawk raffle tickets. I believed others spent more money that I did, I did spend more but the extra's I'm keeping for my own personal use and Therefore I am donating all my real expense... $14.78 to the club.. Mark at Radio shack donated that Clock... it had a $20 price tag on it.. Our big loss-expense was that porta-potty... You know for $125 we could buy 2-3 tarps, some PVC tubing for a frame and a couple of 5 gallon buckets... put it at the base of the tower... doesn't even need a roof, just let it exhaust up into the tower.. and get it to disappear at 1pm. Lesson learned... Hopefully next year, I think we'll do better... I am suggesting we post on Facebook:520 CrewKansas Ham RadioKansas Preppers Some sort of "official" thank you to all that attended, good food, beautiful day, lots of treasures for sale, Thanks to Mark and Shawn at B&H sales -the old Derby Radio Shack... Let it be known to those that didn't attend that it was a "success" and we'll be seeing more people next year... Larry W8LM
Розпочато Larry Macionski @ · Останніх @
Sidewalk sale 5
Robert and I will be at the Post at 5:30 AM Saturday morning so the patio will be opened. I have the large coffee pot from the Post and will get coffee tonight or tomorrow. I have a commitment to play parking attendant at the Wichita Open Saturday and need to be there at 1045. Gaylen W. Klein, USN (Ret)
Розпочато Gaylen Klein @ · Останніх @
[GWFD] Field Day 2024 Meeting - June 1st
Just in case someone is not receiving this information. Begin forwarded message: > > *From:* "Terrence Laurendine (K5TBO)" <k5tbo@...> > *Date:* May 30, 2024 at 11:53:38 PM CDT > *To:* greaterwichitafieldday@... > *Subject:* *[GWFD] Field Day 2024 Meeting - June 1st* > > > > >  > > > Updates for everyone that couldn't make the last couple of meetings. > > > - We have the Fire Training center near Boeing/Spirit reserved for the > event this year. We are trying to schedule a walk through soon just so we > can verify in advance which room will be available to us in the building. > > > - Our encroachment request to the City parks department has been approved > so we may use the extended area north of the building up to the ball > fields. > > > - Callsign for the event we have reserved is W0W. > > > - Our initial plan is to run either 3A or 4A plus the GOTA station. > > > - Food plans have been finaled for Saturday evening dinner and Sunday > morning breakfast. > > > > > > We will be meeting again this Saturday June 1st at Spangles at the normal > 1pm time. > > > > -- > Terrence Laurendine - K5TBO > WARC Vice President > k5tbo@... > > > > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "Greater Wichita Field Day" group. > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an > email to greaterwichitafieldday+unsubscribe@.... > To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/greaterwichitafieldday/CAFGx%3DPcYPTiQdamahMtP-CEQBXEC%3D2bf3Pxz8_S77Z%3Df7yNRdg%40mail.gmail.com > ( > https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/greaterwichitafieldday/CAFGx%3DPcYPTiQdamahMtP-CEQBXEC%3D2bf3Pxz8_S77Z%3Df7yNRdg%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer > ). > > -- Michael Moore KF0BFU Sergeant of Arms
Розпочато Michael Moore @
Meeting Reminder 4
Hello VFW Ham Family Yes it is time again for our monthly club meeting. Tuesday night at 7pm we meet at the Post. We hope to meet on the patio this time weather permitting. That should keep us out of the smoke. We do have some events to discuss, so please come and take part. It came to my attention that many of you would like the meeting to be more about amateur radio and less about business. I am working on this. In June, for example, Gaylen plans to talk about crystal radios. As you may know Gaylen enjoys older radios and will in June share his vast knowledge. That gives you an idea for our future plans, but first we must have our May meeting. Would love to see you on Tuesday night. Dates To Remember June 15: Sidewalk Sale June 16: Father's Day June 27: June Monthly Meeting Also weekly net is held at 7pm each Thursday. See you Tuesday night friends. 73 Pat Hawkins, KE0TGA Vice President, VFW-ARC
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Закрито Service opportunity 2
Greetings Ham Family VFW Post 3115 is seeking volunteers to serve as parking attendants at an upcoming event. Gaylen has provided the details. If a few folks would do this the club would then receive a donation of $500. You might say this is a fund raiser without the expense of buying supplies. So if you would be interested please review Gaylen's notes provided with my message. 73 Pat
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Закрито Noisy Repeater today??? NOT.... 2
This morning 8am approximately, there was noise on the repeater... #1 every hour on the hour, my squelch breaks listening to 145.27 ... If you listen hard, it is a repeater identifying on the hour. I can only pick out 1-2 syllables. But it always breaks my squelch.. I've been hearing it for a month now..Very weak... #2.. There is a QSO going one with W5's out of Oklahoma.. at my QTH they are S5 today.. #3.. Topeka comes in every morning at my QTH.. Sunrise to about 9am.. morning drive time. #4. Blind Hams will obliterate those weak signals.. or Locals like "BFU" right now... #5. I believe years ago I set the transmitter output with a DPL of 71 or 73.. At the time we were getting de-sense and I removed the 103.5 pl from the transitter so that it was not a component of any signal the transmitter was mixing with. SO if you are hearing distant repeaters on 145.27 and want to limit the chatter to only W0VFW's output... Let me know.. I may be the only one hearing distant repeaters because of height and location. Last checked REPEATERBOOK.COM there were 4 repeaters on 145.27 within 250 miles of us.. 2 one in kansas and one in OKlahoma both with the same 88.0 PL...
Розпочато Larry Macionski @ · Останніх @
Закрито Dennis Godbey KFØTG 3
Spoke with Dennis a few minutes ago.. He is in the VA room 302.. he had surgery to remove his port.. It was infected and they couldn't clear up the infection.. He was in Westley when I was last month for the problem. They are going to keep him on antibiotics still any infection is cleared up them possible install a new one or a PIC.. I had a PIC when I was in for Pneumonia.. it's a fancy place to stick IV into you and take blood give meds.. So he's in good spirits and can have visitors. We will follow up in a few days.... Larry Macionski W8LM
Розпочато Larry Macionski @ · Останніх @
Закрито Meeting Improvement Suggestion 5
Greetings Ham Family Last night's meeting felt pretty business heavy and it felt to me like folks didn't really enjoy it. This isn't the first meeting where folks felt a bit frustrated with an all business type meeting. And rather than complain I would like to offer a solution. Of course I can't fix this problem on my own and so I am writing this to get your input. What if all major discussions and decisions were made by the Board? Then the monthly meeting could host a demonstration or perhaps a discussion like what we do on a net. We would need to line up demonstrators or guest speakers, however, then meetings with members would be less business and more hobby oriented. Your thoughts? How could we write up a bylaws fix to do this? Do you have other such suggestions in order to improve the monthly meeting? Let's work on this here as a team and make VFWARC great again. We can do this. Please share your thoughts. Blessings Pat, KE0TGA PS. I really feel like if we want more regular attendance by members we need to make meetings interesting, informative, and fun. Please help make this happen. Your opinions matter. Note: Thus monthly meeting agenda would look something like this. 1. Open meeting 2. Pledge 3. Role call of officers 4. New members? 5. Reading of Board meeting minutes or just read last month's meeting minutes. 5. Treasurer's report 6. Announcements based upon what the board decided we would do. 7. Demonstration or talk 8. New Business, if something absolutely needs group attention 9. Good of the order 10. Close
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Закрито VFW Newsletter Idea 2
Greetings Ham Family On Facebook you may see a post from me, a public post and not the one I posted to our group, that reads like a newspaper article. I am not a post member, but I was thinking. Could someone who is please copy that post, maybe fix it up a bit and add a graphic, and then have it put in the Post newsletter? Publicity will help us as we grow our group. I can easily write articles like this, but I then must pass them on as I don't know who to give them to or how this process for the newsletter works. Getting articles in there improves our club image. Blessings Pat, KE0TGA Vice President, VFWARC
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Закрито Tri pod and poster loaded in the truck
I'm ready
Розпочато Mike Holmes @
Закрито Golf Tournament 4
Just received a phone call from the Post Commander Crestview will provide tables and chairs. There will be two golf carts available to Robert and Jeff to shuttle around however, as there's only two there will be a wait. I told him we'll have HT's available for communications if needs be. Gaylen W. Klein, USN (Ret) KE0QPG
Розпочато Gaylen Klein @ · Останніх @
Закрито Greater Wichita area field day
Saturday I attended the gwafd planning meeting. Turnout was small. We discussed the gota. They said we can or not. He said any station can be a gota. They can pause on contesting calls, and explain about the hobby and explain the benefits of ham radio and then let them sit down and try it. We talked about lunch. Suggestions were made but no decisions were made. We also discussed walk in traffic, it was explained not much random traffic., but it was said that in previous years that people came in from advertisements. They did say they needed some one in contact with media to help get the word out. All through the meeting it was stressed this is an opportunity to draw new people into the hobby. There was a discussion of possible activities and demonstrations. He asked that clubs take a topic as a committee, (ie. Warc could take food vfw arc take something) he felt that since we already knew each other we could get right down to work. This will be discussed further on the 27 @1pm. He said one year they had the scouts there and introduced them to ham radio and allowed them to get their ham radio badge. We also discussed contacting the space station. It was made clear that he wants all clubs to participate that this is not just one club but all in Wichita Michael Holmes
Розпочато Mike Holmes @
Закрито [Tech-VI] Guest Post: Pre-Internet Sources of Shortwave Information 2
Though this is from a blindness related list I thought it might be of interest to you because of what he is sharing. It contains links to older radio related magazines. Enjoy. Begin forwarded message: > > *From:* "David Goldfield via groups.io" > <david.goldfield@...> > *Date:* April 21, 2024 at 1:46:18 PM CDT > *To:* List <tech-vi@groups.io> > *Subject:* *[Tech-VI] Guest Post: Pre-Internet Sources of Shortwave > Information* > *Reply-To:* tech-vi@groups.io > > > > >  > > > The SWLing Post - Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 7:22 AM > > > > ********************************************************* > Guest Post: > Pre-Internet Sources of Shortwave Information > ********************************************************* > > > > > > > > *Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the > following guest post:* > > > > ( > https://swling.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Communications-Handbook-1972-cover.jpeg > ) > > > > *by Dan Greenall* > > > > When I first discovered the world of shortwave listening, many years > before the internet, access to hobby related information was mostly > available through over-the-air DX programs, monthly DX club bulletins, as > well as a number of books and electronics magazines. I joined a few clubs > including the Midwest DX Club, SPEEDX, and the Ontario DX Association, and > eagerly awaited each issue of Electronics Illustrated and Popular > Electronics (early 1970’s) on the news stand. Later, in the 1980’s, > Popular Communications and Monitoring Times came along, though these were > not always easy to find here in Canada. > > > > Ironically, nearly all issues of these magazines can be read today, over > 30, 40 and even 50 years later, thanks to David Gleason’s not-for-profit, > free online library > > > > https://www.worldradiohistory.com/index.htm > > > > You can also find the semi-annual (and eventually annual) Communications > World (1971-81) which contained the popular White’s Radio Log. > > > > As well, five issues of the Communications Handbook can be found; 1963, > 1966, 1967, 1974 and 1977. It only came out once a year but was still a > favourite of mine, so much so, that I still have my copies from 1971 and > 1972. > > > > ( > https://swling.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Communications-Handbook-1971-cover.jpeg > ) I have scanned parts of these and put them on the Internet Archive. You > can find them here: > > > > Communications Handbook 1971: https://archive.org/details/page-09 > > > > Communications Handbook 1972: https://archive.org/details/page-20 > > > > Here are links that will lead to some of the other magazines: > > > > As a bonus, all of the issues of the monthly SPEEDX bulletin (1971-95) > have been made available here > > > > https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Speedx.htm > > > > And finally, a good read is Shortwave Voices of the World by the late Dr. > Richard E. Wood written in 1969. I still have my copy of it, but you can > find it online here > > > > https://archive.org/details/shortwave-voices-of-the-world-richard-wood-ed-1-pr-1-1969 > > > > > My link to the 1971 Communications Handbook ( > https://archive.org/details/page-09 ) contains pages regarding the old WDX > SWL registration program. I have found my old certificate from December > 1971: > > > > ( > https://swling.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/WDX-SWL-Certificate-1971.jpeg > ) > > > > Wonder how many others still have theirs, or even the WPE ones from the > 1960’s? > > Spread the radio love > > > > > > > https://swling.com/blog/2024/04/guest-post-pre-internet-sources-of-shortwave-information/ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > David Goldfield, > > > > Blindness Assistive Technology Specialist > > > > > > > > If you need help using your assistive technology learn about my training > services by visiting > > > > WWW.ScreenReaderTraining.com ( http://www.screenreadertraining.com/ ) > > > > > > > > Am Yisrael Chai > > > > The Nation of Israel Lives! > > > > > > > > JAWS Certified, 2022 ( > https://www.freedomscientific.com/Training/Certification/ ) > > > > NVDA Certified Expert ( https://ce
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Закрито Meeting Reminder And Agenda
Greetings Ham Family Tomorrow is our monthly ham club meeting at the post at 7pm. President Tracie will be in charge, so if you have issues you want added to our agenda please contact President Tracie. April Agenda 1. Call to order President Tracie 2. Recite the Pledge 3. Role call of officers 4. New members? 5. Vote on new members? 6. Reading of March minutes Secretary Michael H 7. Treasurer's report Jennifer 8. New bills? 9. Committee report Vice President Patricia 10. Old Business a. Golf Event b. Field Day Plans c. Sidewalk Sale Plans d. Facebook Group 11. New Business a. Internet needed for UHF repeater 12. Good of the order 13. Meeting closed Again if you have concerns please contact Tracie to have items added to the agenda. Hope to see you at the meeting. Invite a friend. Let's make our ham club great again. 73 Pat Hawkins, KE0TGA Vice President, VFW-ARC
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @
Закрито Board Meeting 2
Greetings VFW Hams President Tracie has asked me to send out the following notice. Please plan to participate if you can. Board Meeting of the VFW Post 3115 Amateur Radio Club Saturday April 20, 2024 10am at the channel 5 location. Other dates to remember include the following. Monthly club members meeting April 23. Gold VFW event April 26 Happy Hamming. Pat Hawkins, KE0TGA Vice President, VFWARC
Розпочато Patricia Hawkins @ · Останніх @
Закрито Modified Logo for golf tournament 3
I modified the design somewhat to better reflect us as an amateur radio club. Gaylen W. Klein, USN(Ret) KE0QPG
Розпочато Gaylen Klein @ · Останніх @
Current Image
Image Name
Sat 8:39am