Закрито Липкий New Version 345
Version 1.0.7133 (March 20, 2018) KY QSO Party: Rules changes, pwr multiplier, bonus points, bonus station. (ND4X) (Coded by K3CT) WI QSO Party: Correct the points calculation, add bonus points last. (K0PC) (Coded by K3CT) Spot Comment: Ignore UP/DN spot comments that compute a frequency greater than 100 KHz. (K8MU) (Coded by K3CT) In Available Window, correctly show mode of FT8 RBN/Skimmer spots. (K1TTT) (Coded by N2IC) IC-7610: Enable SO2V features when in SO2V mode. (W2NRA) (Coded by K3CT) Limit Spyserver connection to LAN or when using DX Log (Coded by N1MM) Error logging for Spyserver (Coded by N1MM) Fixed red dot and red frame for SO1V. (PA0CMU) (Coded by N2IC) Digital: Any of the 3 Digital engines can not be used as recievers for TinyFSK window. (Coded by N2AMG) Digital: Fix for RX windows clearing when QSYing and setting was not set. (Coded by N2AMG) Dual Rx: When switching program mode from SO2V to SO1V it was possible to have Dual Rx enabled in SO1V mode. (Coded by K3CT) Spectrum: When closing the Spectrum window some Icom radios did not turn off the radio data. (N8FYL) (Coded by K3CT) Manual Radio: Zero score in phone contest when a radio was not interfaced. (WB3CII) (Coded by K3CT) Spectrum: Changed default noise floor for signal detection to spark awareness of setting (Coded by N1MM)
Розпочато Tom - N1MM @ · Останніх @
Липкий NOTICE - TO CONTEST SPONSORS, identify inactive/obsolete contests 2
As evidenced by yesterday's discussion of the SPAR Winter Field Day contest, there are contests in our Supported Contests List that are obsolete/inactive and should be de-listed from the Entry Window's >File >New Log in Database - contest choices. By coincidence, in recent weeks the N1MM DevTeam has been working with Bruce WA7BNM regarding a direct interface between his Contest Calendar website and N1MM. As part of that effort we have identified 51 contests that appear to be obsolete/inactive. In this week's Latest Update release we will begin trimming the menu selection list by removing contests that are tagged as obsolete/inactive. The list of those 51 proposed obsolete contests can be found in the website's >Downloads >Program Files >Experimental Versions gallery. If your contest is listed but is still an active contest, please contact the Dev Team to get your contest reinstated on the list. https://n1mmwp.hamdocs.com/mmfiles/categories/programexperimental/ NOTE: This list does not includes User Defined Contests (UDCs) and QSO Parties. We'll be looking at those in the future, also. -larry K8UT
Розпочато Larry K8UT @ · Останніх @
Липкий N1MMLoggerPlus group guidelines
Welcome to the N1MMLoggerPlus user group at groups.io . The purpose of this group is to serve as the main support channel and discussion group for the N1MM Logger+ amateur radio contest logging program. N1MM Logger+ (aka N1MM+) is free contesting software that supports virtually all amateur radio contests. If a contest is not supported now, it can usually be added using the Logger's "user-defined contest" feature. N1MM+ is not a general-purpose logger; there is no support for chasing awards like DXCC and WAS, and there are no QSL management features. For those functions, you should be using a general logging program. You can export contest logs from N1MM+ in ADIF format and import them into almost any general logging program for tracking awards and generating QSLs. You need to join the group in order to post messages. The first posting from a new user must be approved by the moderators. Include your callsign in requests to join. Be proud of your callsign and put it in every post. Don't spam. This is not a list for posting items for sale, for announcing contests or events, for discussing amateur politics or for other off topic posts. It is also not the place for personal attacks. Repeated or egregious violations will result in loss of posting privileges. If the volume of email from the group is too much, you can set your delivery to digests or no email, by signing in to the groups.io web site and selecting "Your Groups > Manage My Subscriptions". You can also change your account preferences by clicking on your account name at the top right. You can change your email address or add an email alias address from the same place. You can view messages on the web site either in chronological order or by topic. Attachments are not conveyed in messages, but the web site also has a Files area to which files and screen shots may be uploaded. Try to make the subject line of your postings meaningful and descriptive. If you are starting a new topic, don't post it as a follow-up to a different thread; start a new thread with a title appropriate to the new topic. Titles such as "N1MM+" or "Bug report" do not make the grade; they give the reader inadequate indication of the contents, and they result in discussions on different topics being combined into a single thread. When reporting a problem with N1MM+, make sure that you can reproduce it using the current (latest) version of the program. We don't support any but the latest version. Please be specific when describing a problem. Be sure to indicate the mode (CW, SSB, RTTY, etc.), the method you use for interfacing (keying interface, sound card interface, etc.), the contest, the radio type and how it is connected to the computer, and information about your computer and its operating system. If there is an error message, quote its contents; just saying you got an error message without any other identifying information is not likely to get you a helpful response. If you are using port sharing software (LP-Bridge, VSPE, etc.), try to reproduce the problem without it first. We don't support port sharing software, but you are welcome to ask the group for advice about using it with N1MM+. Read all the posts in a topic before posting a response. If a post already says what you were going to say, don't clutter up the list with a "me too" post. When posting a response, it is a good idea to include just enough of the previous discussion to identify the context, and no more. There is no need to quote the entire past history of the thread in every response. After posting a problem, check back for responses. It is rude to post a problem then disappear. Likewise, please do not ask for off-list responses. If your post was important enough to ask 3,500 people to read it, you owe it to them to let them see the responses. If the responses solve your problem, let the group know how your problem was solved; that may help someone else down the road. Please do not think of this group as only a place for you to get answers to your problems, but also as a place where you can help others with their problems. If someone else has a problem hat you know how to fix, feel free to respond and provide the solution. The success of the group depends on more than just responses from the N1MM development team. However, when you do not know the answer, don't waste everybody's time with meaningless responses like "gee, that's a tough one. I have no idea." Above all, think before posting. You are going before 3,500 people with your posting. If you want help, demonstrate your willingness to do your part of the work. Be polite. 73, The N1MM Logger+ Development Team
Розпочато ve3ki @
FRAPR 10m contest log UDC ? 2
Has a UDC log been sent to use for the upcoming 10m FRAPR puerto rico contest next weekend? -- W0EAS John 3:16 Eric Santon 816.589.6342 w0eas2023@... GO ARMY BEAT NAVY!
Розпочато Eric Santon @ · Останніх @
AHK users 77
N1RM and I are working on a key remapper that can change one key combination into one or more keys to be executed. Since most people are currently doing this with AHK, I'd like to ask those AHK users to test an experimental version of the code. It is in an experimental version. The menu item for the remapper is in the Tools menu. Please let me know of bugs and which mappings that you are doing in AHK that cannot be done with this tool. Please respond on this thread. Tom - N1MM
Розпочато Tom Wagner (N1MM) @ · Останніх @
Notify Development Team 4
Hi I installed latest version. Opened next weekend's MARAC contest and set new database for upcoming Alabama QSOP. When I tried to open a new contest in that database I received a warning error to simply press OK and if it happens again to notify development team which I am now doing.
Розпочато Charles N2SO @ · Останніх @
Adding contacts to existing contest log after contest
I had to change logging programs in middle of NAQP RTTY contest. I could not figure out how to append the ADIF file to my N1MM+ contest file, so I entered the contacts manually into the N1MM contest file. When I generated my Cabrillo file, the added contacts were not scored and frequencies I entered were all set to either 7000 or 14000. Is there anyway in N1MM to either append an ADIF file to the existing contest log? Ed K6ELE
Розпочато Edward Essick @
Salmon Run Multipliers Update 2
The Salmon Run rules for 2024 have been updated to normalize the Canadian multiplier list to the RAC/ARRL section list. Please update N1MM accordingly to update the allowed VE multipliers from 8 to 14. Canadian Area Call Sign Abbreviation Newfoundland/Labrador NL New Brunswick NB Nova Scotia NS Prince Edward Island PE Quebec QC Ontario East ONE Ontario North ONN Ontario South ONS Golden Horseshoe (formerly GTA) GH Manitoba MB Saskatchewan SK Alberta AB British Columbia BC Territories TER Thanks to all of the N1MM developers for all of your hard work! Justin, K5EM on behalf of the WWDXC Salmon Run Committee
Розпочато K5EM Justin McAllister @ · Останніх @
Is marac county qso supported 7
Trying to figure out if the upcoming contest this coming weekend is going to be supported by n1mm+. I'm trying to figure out if it is and I can't do a Google search or a search through n1mm and find anything
Розпочато kb9lgs @ · Останніх @
Spectrum Display Stuck on 20 Meters 2
First time for this. Operating in the RTTY NAQP and the spectrum scope display line will not change off of 20 meters. The correct frequency and band are displayed in the upper right corner of the spectrum display. Band map and entry panel show the correct band and frequency. The Tried rebooting N1MM and no change. I can send a screenshot if needed. Running the latest version of N1MM, Win10 and FT5K with SDRPlay. Jim K2QB
Розпочато Jim K2QB @ · Останніх @
How to log FT8 contacts. 5
Whenever I try to set up a contest for FT8, my only mode choice is digital. On the entry screen there are 2 columns. One says RTTY & 1 says PSK. How do you submit a log using FT8 that says that you used RTTY?
Розпочато Larry Abelkop - NN4SS @ · Останніх @
UDC parameter: DupeQSOMinutesAgo broken? 20
Good evening UDC experts. The WIA Remembrance Day Contest allows stations to work each other every three hours per band-mode combination. As an example, within a three hour period I can work: - VK1XXX on 7,000 SSB - VK1XXX on 7,000 CW - VK1XXX on 14,000 SSB - VK1XXX on 14,000 CW - ... I believe the correct arguments toachieve this should be: DupeQSOMinutesAgo = 180, True, False, True, True However regardless of the value of the final parameter (ThisMode: Set to False to search for a dupe regardless of mode), the dupe check always considers the whole band a Dupe if it has been worked in the time period, rather than only worked modes within the band. Additionally, the documentation states: /DupeType/ should be set to 4 to make this parameter work properly. However, when set to 4, dupe checking never happens. The DupeType setting needs to be commented out to enable dupe checking against DupeQSOMinutesAgo. Any insights on how to achieve the desired dupe checking would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Lance, VK7ZA
Розпочато Lance C @ · Останніх @
How do I find a contest log that no longer shows up? 7
Hello: I use the POTA UDC 'contest" log frequently. Today I have been opening past contests to create Cabrillo files for uploads to T-QSL. To my surprise when I went to "Open Log in Database" I scrolled down and could not find the POTA log. There are 9 choices, correctly showing not only my most recent contest logs [like IARU CW], but others that I opened today from prior contests. Here is my question: The "Open Log in Database" only shows nine choices. How do I access ALL past logs? This is relevant for my POTA problem, but more so for mini-contests like CWT, where I create a new log for each episode of the CWT weekly contests. Thanks for any suggestions-- I tried to SEARCH key terms to find the answer myself, unsuccessfuly 73 Bill K2TNO
Розпочато William Schrader @ · Останніх @
Buy that new cable! 6
I've been having an issue (for a year or two), where even the slightest movement of my USB cable would cause N1MM and WSJT-X to disconnect. I just concentrated on keeping from bumping the cable, if I could avoid it, figuring that the port on my laptop was the culprit. A few days ago, it dawned on me that it might be the cable, rather than the port, so I purchased a new $8 cable and plugged it in. Lo and behold...the problem disappeared! After 40 years in the two way industry, and having replaced DOZENS of bad test cables, you would think that it wouldn't have taken me this long, but it did. Therefore, I implore you, who are suffering from similar situations, bite the bullet and REPLACE THAT CABLE, if you even suspect there might be a problem. Now, I've got to replace that 50' RG-8X cable, that I purchased off of Amazon. It looked like a great deal, but my antenna analyzer seems to be telling me a different story... -- 73, Radio Randy N7CKJ
Розпочато Randy Jones @ · Останніх @
RTTY programs 8
I just had to do a full reload of N1MM+, and now MMTTY is not connecting. Do I need to do a reload of MMTTY and MMVARI as well. It has been a long time, and I don't really remember this. Thanks! -- 73 de Ted Edwards, W3TB and GØPWW and thinking about operating CW: "Do today what others won't, so you can do tomorrow what others can't."
Розпочато Ted Edwards W3TB @ · Останніх @
RTTY Issue 5
I have done many many RTTY contests in the past. And I haven't changed anything here, but Now am getting this error when trying to run RTTY. Now N1MM+ IS talking to the radio Via COM4 When I change Bands, Modes, It does it all. Freq is displayed and changing etc. all the F keys work in CW & SSB even. But when in the display I tell it under the interface, to use MMTTY That error box appears. What do I need to do? Joe WB9SBD
Розпочато Joe WB9SBD @ · Останніх @
LABRE DX Contest - call hisoty file available 2
Hi everyone Regarding the LABRE DX Contest that is taking place this weekend, I prepared a call history file with more than 900 callsigns from Brazilian stations, a few South American stations and all the special Brazilian calls that are active for the contest. Brazilian special prefixes can belong to any of the states that have the same number used in their normal prefix. Except for those numbered 3 and 4, which will always be from the states of PY3 and PY4 respectively. If you wish to use call history, please contact me via email. pp2bt@... which I will send ASAP. 73s de Julio, PP2BT
Розпочато Julio Maronhas @ · Останніх @
Log for LABRE 4
No support for this contest in N1MM? Can't find a log in the list. George VA2EBI
Розпочато George VA2EBI @ · Останніх @
Multi op messaging very slow 3
I have been using N1MM+ in a multi-op environment and have been using the messaging facility. It is working, but there is a delay of about 20 to 30 seconds before the message appears on the other PCs. Is this normal? Is there a way to speed it up or am I doing something wrong. All other aspects of the networked machines appears to be working just fine hope someone shed some light on the problem. Wil - G6WQN
Розпочато Wilson - G6WQN @ · Останніх @
Not able to install Logger + on new Win 10 PC 9
Hi. I had to get a new Win 10 PC as my old one blew up. When I downloaded Logger+ and tried to install it I kept being blocked and got a message saying I can't use cloud based data files. However, I have no such thing. My PC is not part of a network other than being on the internet so I have no idea what to do. As I watch the install windows (before it shuts down with that message) all files are being stored and installed on my local drive C. Any help would be appreciated. -- 73 Howard KC3D
Розпочато 73's KC3D Howard @ · Останніх @
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