Zacuto Epstein Family Research

The main purpose of this private group and Discussion Forum is two fold: to gather together the descendants of Isaac Velvel Zacuto  of Svislac/Svisloch/Sislevitch, in a collaborative process to network and to research the connection between the "Zacuto Epstein" surnames / families. Was "Zacuto Epstein" a mere surname label attached by researchers in the 20th century?  or can it be found in documentation?, or is it simply a matter of a name change to Epstein at Ellis Island as mentioned by several descendants—based on family stories handed down through the generations? Dispersal migration took families to England, North America, and Israel and perhaps other oontinents thus establishing an extensive Zacuto-Epstein family in the 21st century. Another lesser objective is to see if we can determine pre Velvel connections prior to 1800 however this is not the forum for connecting the Zacuto Svislac family back to Spain, Portugal and Amsterdam.

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 або Увійдіть, якщо ви вже є учасником

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